
When I took my oath to become a Canadian citizen, the judge was a two-time immigrant, and my fellow new Canadians were overwhelmingly not rich white Americans, like me, but families of folks from places all over the world. Immigration is wonderful and we should ALL be thankful for it.
Seeing people from Syria or Pakistan or Congo (and yes, California) all swearing to make their lives together is just so powerful a statement of the highest form of human social organization.
Is the US flawed? Is Canada? Do they fall short of their ideals? Every day! But are they also made up of people, trying to live their fullest human existences? Hell yeah! People want to come here, and we all should try to extend to them the same grace we received from our friends and neighbours.
Mutuality! Society! It's all there! Let's celebrate and FIGHT for it, because it's not inevitable and it is, sadly, opposed.