
Here we go. Finally some coverage of this story that disappeared prior to the 2016 election and seems to have been AWOL all this time until the Epstein files were recently unsealed.
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
When you read this stuff and other credible allegations of child rape and trafficking, it ALL makes sense. The other assaults and bragging about it. The directives to shoot protesters. The jonesing to drop nukes. He's a sick, dark tetrad afflicted mofo. People need to wake up in the next 4 months.
There is WAY too much smoke around Trump and sexual abuse for there to be no fire.
Yep. I don't have direct evidence, but too much credible stuff from credible sources and corroborating details. My own tiny window involves the Barr family (specifically Bill Barr's dad, Donald) and their sketchy shit, which connects up with Epstein (Donald gave Jeff his start at Dalton and Bill...)
Casler has the inside dope and he has given details that I can verify and make him very credible IMO.
Casler's been very careful about it, but yeah, he's spilled some tea. Like so many other things in Trump's history, this should have been the end of his political career (and status as a free citizen) back in 2015. It should be the end of him now. But it won't. This society is sick.