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Defective chicken, hard-left gadfly, olde person in the way. Not sure why I'm here.
Part of me has always assumed that if you're in a Waffle House in the right parts of red states, the n-word is printed on the menu in at least three places
JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
So... * Vance is linked to Peter Thiel * Theil thinks that Mencius Moldbug is a visionary * Moldbug used to be... ...if old-school talk.bizarre ends up influencing the leadership of a nuclear power, I'm going back to bed.
The Veep pick will undoubtably be Vance, because then Trump can just put duct tape over the "PE" and date and reuse all his old signs on the cheap
Have they checked the grassy knoll yet
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Can't believe he did what he did but he died a martyr.
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If the Dems lose this election, it is going to be almost entirely on them waiting until the summer of 2024 to panic about whether they should have renominated Joe Biden. The time to panic about this and pressure him into resigning, if you wanted to do it, was before the primary elections.
In a darkened room, Joe Biden clasps his head in despair. "I've lost a third-tier Batman AND lost Meathead," he realizes. "I've lost the nation."
"Don't Just Spit On That Thang, SIT On That Thang" There. I have just extended boardwalk T-shirt sales by another three months
If I hit the lottery, you'll know it because I'll use Cameo for everything. DRIVE-THRU: May I take your order please? ME: One sec. (sends Venmo with instructions) WWF WRESTLING SUPERSTAR TITO SANTANA: I'll have a number one, medium, no mayonnaise, no tomato
Two requests for today's UK elections: 1) Rees-Mogg in particular must lose his seat. This is likely, from what I've read. Let him crawl back into the Dickens novel that spawned him. 2) Farage must get pissed on. Whether it's a drunk pensioner, a baby, a bird or Anne Widdecombe, it's a must.
If we need a good omen to remind ourselves that at least certain levels of change are possible, we're about two days away from watching a nation tell the conservative party that's governed it for the last 14 years to go fuck itself
I am envious of my in-laws' cat today, as unlike me, it does not feel compelled in any way to give a shit about any of these political happenings
What we need in our two-party system is an understanding, in which both parties know that if they open the door to extreme fuckery, the other party will leap through it and conduct extreme fuckery with great aplomb, and that would serve as a deterrent. We have half of that now.
In the very unlikely event that Biden succumbs to the pressure and steps down from the ticket and is replaced by a far-left bomb-thrower, my one regret would be that Joe Lieberman would no longer be able to bear witness to that and shit out his intestines in a fit of abject horror
I keep seeing commercials for the Red One movie and thinking "...casting Dwayne Johnson as a buxom Russian woman was quite the creative jump"
Hey, Louisiana fundies? You can (apparently, for now) force students to share a classroom with one version of the Ten Commandments. What you'll find that you can't do is force students (or anyone else) to read it, or to treat it -- or you -- with respect or seriousness or dignity.
You cannot imagine my disappointment on the day that I realized that Donkey Kong Cereal contained 0% ape.
My encyclopedia had no entry for Geert Wilders, so I squeezed out a shit midway through the W's and pressed the pages together to make one
But what if I don't want to OPEN FOLLOWBACK follow base repost & like reply?
Roger Corman and Steve Albini in one fucking week? I need two armed guards and a team of surgeons standing by near John Waters, stat. Just in case.
Wherever he is now, I feel like Steve Albini would draw some cynical amusement from my sitting down to listen to Atomizer one more time and having the experience interrupted by ads for Panera Bread
I have Anne Murray's "Another Sleepless Night" stuck in my skull and it is completely Vic and Bob's fault
The night is still. A wolf stares at the moon and lets out a howl. It sniffs the air, shits twice, twitches a bit and staggers off into the bushes. I know how he feels.
If your students aren't radicalized, they've been too busy drinking and fucking to have learned a goddamned thing from college.
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We all celebrate in our own way
Watching clips of frat boys waving Trump banners at Ole Miss Gaza protesters, and I'm reminded of pro-war chuds yelling at our anti-Desert Storm protests when I was in college. Which reminded me of tales of campus sit-ins in the 60s. The anti-war left was correct then. They're also correct now.
The Path of Totality Oop, there goes gravity Oop, there goes Rabbit, he Blocked out the sun, but he
When you were partying, I studied the game of Ballblazer. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the over-the-horizon three-point shot
If you're not celebrating MLB Opening Day by listening to Lee Elia's fabled clubhouse rant at least once, you might not be a true American. ...My FUCKIN' ASS!
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Redubbing public domain Popeye cartoons so that Bluto yells “Oh FUCK” every time Popeye gets spinach