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GOOD JOB! You're not volunteering for treason. Celebrate by doing one of these three things to help rebuild our democracy. www.patreon.com/posts/108054...
THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO DO TO SAVE DEMOCRACY Let Marjorie Taylor Greene inspire you. www.patreon.com/posts/heres-...
Wake up to what you can do to save democracy every morning at www.erlywrm.com
THEY’RE AT IT, AGAIN Why can’t The New York Times stop trying to elect Donald Trump? www.theframelab.org/is-the-press...
There are 3 BFDs in this one Quiet New Deal: 1. A massive investment in America’s infrastructure and manufacturing capacity focusing on clean energy to drive down the price and accelerate the transition from fossil fuels.
2. A new commitment to workers’ rights and enabling their ability to organize and profit from their labor.
3. A strategic focus on making government work better in ways that taxpayers notice by reducing administrative burdens and eliminating excessive personal burdens, such as education debt.
How you can impact the 2024 elections in the smartest possible way airtable.com/appLSLzv4Okw...
Wake up to what you can do to help save democracy today at www.erlywrm.com
Important update on Arizona's statehouses from Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball: The stakes could be especially high given the legislature’s role in finalizing the election results, which could be pivotal nationally. Toss-up. centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/...
FASCIST POLLUTERS MAKE A MASSIVE DONATION TO TRUMP OPEC will raise gas prices through the presidential election. Wake up to what you can do to help save democracy today at www.erlywrm.com www.msn.com/en-us/money/...
What can we do to make him pay? Let's flip Arizona. www.erlywrm.com/giving-guide
IT'S TIME TO GIVE SMART Give Smart sends money to the candidates that have the best chance to win power in state legislatures. In these races, a little goes a long way. app.oath.vote/donate?p=tsp...
Thanks! Yes, we had one last month. Just boosted it back up. Is that what you're thinking?
Beat back the book banners and help defeat Trump? We're in! us02web.zoom.us/webinar/regi...
REMINDER: Here’s what we can do this weekend to help flip both state Houses in Arizona www.erlywrm.com/giving-guide
Support the Yellowhammer Fund action.yellowhammerfund.org/onlineaction... West Alabama Women’s Center alreprohealth.com Alabama Women’s Center www.gofundme.com/f/operations... who filed a pair of lawsuits to seek relief from Marshall’s statements.
Here's why we think Arizona is the best use of our focus right now: www.patreon.com/posts/this-i...
THIS IS THE BEST USE OF OUR TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY earlyworm launches 2024 Giving Guide to maximize our best intentions and avoid regret. www.erlywrm.com/giving-guide
Some really important context about the repeal of Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban. This isn’t Republicans backing down. This is Republicans angling to fool voters so they can still ban abortion in any possible way. www.patreon.com/posts/huge-n...
TRIFECTA RESTORED Democrats regain the Michigan House majority with two special election wins, teeing up legislation on a state Voting Rights Act and joining the National Popular Vote Compact. Dig into democracy at www.erlywrm.com www.bridgemi.com/michigan-gov...
A VOTE FOR TRUMP IS A VOTE TO BAN ABORTION IN ALL 50 STATES You may think this is obvious but the press conveniently doesn’t get it. www.patreon.com/posts/102066...
Most abortions are still legal in Arizona through May. Help those in need now by donating to an abortion fund in the state. abortionfunds.org/find-a-fund/
The game here is called “The Unholy Compromise” Republican candidates pretend they won’t just ban every abortion they can so activists shut up. Then when they get power, they ban every abortion they can. www.theframelab.org/p/ivf-ban-ex...
TRUMP BACKS ABORTION BANS IN AT LEAST 25 STATES Refuses to clarify stand as MAGA allies prepare to roll out an immediate bureaucratic ban on abortion. abcnews.go.com/Politics/tru...
Get safe solar eclipse glasses.... ...and support science in underserved communities Order SOON to get yours by April 8. astro4equity.org/product/sola...
REPEAL COMSTOCK OR BUST Alito & Thomas all but announce they want to use a Victorian law as an abortion ban. www.cnn.com/2024/01/22/o... Cori Bush first to demand repeal. www.jezebel.com/rep-cori-bus... Ending Roe is a stepping stone to Christian Authoritarianism. www.patreon.com/posts/introd...
Here's a good explanation at the principle Republicans hope to use to finish off bodily autonomy -- and thus most birth control, IVF, and surrogacy -- in America. Fetal personhood. www.nytimes.com/2024/03/26/o...
NOW THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR ABORTION PILLS Abortion rights return to the Supreme Court for the first time since Dobbs this week, as Republicans aim to ban the safest and most common form of abortion in all 50 states. www.patreon.com/posts/101026...
UNIONS INCREASE WEALTH FOR ALL AMERICANS New study finds the biggest boost goes to Black and Hispanic households as well as those without a college degree. Dig into democracy at www.erlywrm.com www.americanprogress.org/article/unio...