
“If we say nothing about Israel’s brazen slaughter of Palestinians, even as it is livestreamed into the most private recesses of our personal lives, we are complicit in it. Something in our moral selves will be altered forever.”
Arundhati Roy: Stop This Slaughter in For the sake of the living and in the name of the dead.
I feel the exact same way about climate change and the catastrophic death and misery that we have chosen to inflict on the poor and on our own descendants for the sake of momentary convenience and profit.
I’ve been watching that massacre unfold for over 20 years. People are just now starting to pay a tiny bit of attention. (*To say nothing of what we are doing to the nonhuman world, if you believe that the concept of “rights” extends beyond Homo sapiens.)
“Most of our writers and public intellectuals, all but a few, are also silent. What a terrible shame. And what a sad display of a lack of foresight…”
“As we watch the structures of our democracy being systematically dismantled and our land of incredible diversity being shoehorned into a spurious, narrow idea of one-size-fits-all nationalism, at least those who call themselves intellectuals should know that our country too could explode.”
They expect it to explode they just count themselves immune to the after effects and they’re dead wrong