
“Dozens of Palestinian civilians are killed and wounded after Israel’s air force attacked another school sheltering the war-displaced.” “Another day. Another month. Another school hit,” UNRWA’s chief says.”
Dozens of Palestinian casualties after Israel attacks another Gaza Facility sheltering 2,000 war-weary civilians is targeted a day after a school attack killed at least 16 people.
I cannot fucking believe our government is funding a fascist in another country who is killing thousands of innocent people but saying we cannot allow a fascist to be the president here b/c his policies will kill people in our own country.
Something something right to defend themselves
Can someone explain to me, in geopolitical terms, why this is being allowed to happen? Why won’t any Western countries stand up to Israel?
Because Biden wants it to happen. And the US is the biggest player (and funder) in the geopolitical game.
Biden wants a genocide of Palestinians? Why would he want that?
More specifically, Biden is a violent Zionist who, back in the late 80s, was somehow more violent to the Palestinians than the leading Israeli government at the time. And well. Governments change, and murderous terrorists get a spot.
In 1988, Edward Said pointed out that Biden's "right-wing Zionist vision" was even more bloodthirsty than political discourse within Israel itself. Even 50 years ago, senators like Biden would refuse to criticize Israel due to funding from Zionist and military contractor lobbying groups.
The tweet you quote mentions lobbying $$$—AIPAC but also military contractors, which never get mentioned but seem like a big piece of the puzzle because they spend way more money on lobbying than AIPAC.
It’s a proxy-state for the West situated in the Middle East.
This. If there's ever another full-on war in the Middle East (war with Iran being the big concern) we have to have places to park all our materiel and from which to launch attacks. Rather than rely on Saudi Arabia, we'd rather partner with Israel, which has a highly-trained army, nukes and intel.
Iran being to some degree a proxy state for Russia at this point, we are purchasing being better prepared for World War III with our non-interference in Israel slaughter's of Palestinians. Our red line is Israel actually risking WWIII by attacking Iran.
But Israel needs the US more than we need them. Why roll over and let them commit massive war crimes AND destabilize the region?