David Gershwin

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David Gershwin


Vinyl record collector, volunteer soccer referee, avid pedestrian, Los Angeles enthusiast
A superb Dharma Gin Martini at Rooh, San. Fran.
#stpatricksday dinner! home-brined corned beef, soda bread, Kerrygold butter (of course), and two pints o' Guinness 🍀 🇮🇪 Sláinte!
ramping up to big #StPatricksDay dinner (more later) with an Irish Orange cocktail - Jameson, Amaretto, fresh lemon juice, fresh lime juice, fresh simple syrup, and a dash of bitters
Reposted byAvatar David Gershwin
My new dishwasher connects to an app or else you don't get full functionality and anyway now I get texts from my dishwasher when my dishes are one and I am officially living in a phillip k dick story
Reposted byAvatar David Gershwin
"And measles can cause immune amnesia, in which the immune system loses its ability to fight other viruses that people were previously immune to. It is extremely contagious: among unvaccinated people, nine out of 10 who are exposed will get infected." Florida's surgeon general is endangering kids:
Florida Surgeon General Risks Making a Dangerous Measles Outbreak Much Worsewww.scientificamerican.com By ignoring common sense and medical advice, Florida’s health officials risk accelerating a burgeoning measles outbreak
HUGE missed opportunity for a headline referencing one of the best songs #WarrenZevon ever wrote www.nytimes.com/2024/02/24/n...
headline of the year, courtesy of UCLA's Daily Bruin
Reposted byAvatar David Gershwin
“JPL staff has been advised that the workforce reduction will affect approximately 530 of our colleagues, an impact of about 8%, plus approximately 40 additional members of our contractor workforce.”
Big layoffs coming at JPL tomorrow. www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/jpl-wor...
It's that time of year again - please enjoy the latest edition of Cheers & Jeers, where we talk politics, media, sports, music, film, television, and pizza. Yes, pizza. t.e2ma.net/message/b7uh...
Connections Puzzle #110 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟦🟦🟦🟦
So this platform's the one that will cure all of our social media ills. Right? RIGHT?!
End of feed.