Jose Vilson

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Jose Vilson

Still the educator Gotham deserves. Executive director of EduColor. Sociologist PhD candidate @ Teachers College, CU. Jack of many trades, master of a few.
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It's fascinating seeing the "winners" of our K-12 school system lead mass student movements. It's almost as if that schooling experience led them to understand their individual and collective role in shaping society for the near and distant future.
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statement from students protesting at Columbia. “…We firmly reject any form of hate or bigotry and stand vigilant against non-students attempting to disrupt the solidarity being forged among students-Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, Jewish, Black, & pro-Palestinian classmates & colleagues…”
I’m glad that I spent today watching X-Men 97, not just for my real nostalgia and fandom, but also to help me think through times when institutions fail to protect us when we’re trying to protect them from those who wish their destruction. Magneto isn’t always right, but he made points.
In my most recent post, I critique how higher ed and K-12 institutions have navigated censorship and professionalism from a racial justice lens. And, yes, how we can do so much better. Please read and let me know what you think.
Critical Race Theory Is About You, and All of Us | The Jose Recently, Christina Cross, a Black woman sociologist at Harvard, found her work at the crosshairs of the same person who brought us the bastardization of ... Read More
What’s important here is: When he controls the narrative, he prefers to come off as clear and thoughtful. But the minute he encounters a bit of interrogation with facts, he turns cellophane. That should tell you a lot about the forces behind mass censorship.
What does it mean to be "professional"? I explore that while offering a preview of some of my extensive research. If you'd like to read it as soon as it comes out tonight (and/or support my work), please sign up here: Thanks!
Newsletter | The Jose The NewsletterFollow my work as I share stories, insights, and advice with research from a sociological perspective that will (hopefully) transform and inspire educational systems ... Read More
I had a breakthrough with my data two weeks ago. Tonight, I have another. Now, I have a couple more weeks before I can start putting this into some preliminary findings. This is gonna hopefully change a *LOT* about the teaching profession. Woo.
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Fixed the link!
Document of the day from #nyccivilrightshistory for #BlackHistoryMonth. Two Public School Teachers by Winhold Reiss for the 1925 Survey Graphic issue on Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro. Learn more about their activism for educational justice at 🗃️ #histed
“Two Public School Teachers”
Wild how this quasi-democratic experiment is in the hands of our most undemocratic institution. Don't be ready for disappointment; be ready for what happens after that.
Breaking News: The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether Donald Trump is eligible for Colorado’s primary ballot, after the state Supreme Court ruled him ineligible because he engaged in insurrection after the 2020 election. A hearing is set for February.
Justices to Decide Whether Trump Is Eligible for Colorado The Colorado Supreme Court ruled last month that the former president could not appear on the state’s Republican primary ballot because he had engaged in insurrection.
I didn't get to share much about the moment I became a doctoral candidate until now. Read how this moment taught me so much about the person I am now and the people we get to be in 2024 and beyond. Let me know what you think below and, yes, subscribe. Thank you!
What I Get To See In Us [2023 Year-In-Review] | The Jose There were about six minutes of silence in my house while I stared at my computer screen. This time, my advisors were on the other ... Read More
I've been so grateful for folks who've appreciated me getting back into writing. Yes, there's a story I haven't had the chance to tell from 2023 ... and I'm releasing it for my subscribers first. Thankful to those of you who believed.
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Definitely a few of these (or all, actually) where I can do better. Appreciate the tips here.
Before the Winter Break is over, I know plenty of people, educators included, who are starting to think about next week. I left you a guide for the work here: "Tired of Being Tired (Towards a Better 2024)" Read and let me know what you think!
Tired of Being Tired (Towards A Better 2024) – The Jose Have you ever taken a ride on Kingda Ka roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure? You get in a seat with the high-velocity harness, ... Read More
Update: a Monopoly game that lasted three hours prevented this post from going up midday. But sign up now and it'll be in your inbox in about an hour.
Before the Winter Break is over, I know plenty of people, educators included, who are starting to think about next week. I left you a guide for the work here: "Tired of Being Tired (Towards a Better 2024)" Read and let me know what you think!
Tired of Being Tired (Towards A Better 2024) – The Jose Have you ever taken a ride on Kingda Ka roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure? You get in a seat with the high-velocity harness, ... Read More
“And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.’ - Luke 2:10-11
A lot of us knew that the well-oiled slide from discrediting CRT to DEI would lead to direct attacks on Black intellect (among many other insults). Unfortunately, none of this is possible without the participation of a populace engaging "both sides." There is no "both sides" to fascism.
The frightening thing about the recent disk horse is how fast it went from "depends on the context" at the hearing to "plagiarism" to "affirmative action hire" to "DEI/CRT is ruining Western civilization" to "people like her don't have the cognitive ability to earn real PhDs." In just two weeks.
A lot of my education folks ran to Substack, but after everything I'm seeing on here and elsewhere, it might be good to have your own newsletter and, really, your own platform more generally. Particularly with those who've amassed a larger following.
I know who needs to hear this: I believe every option our students and communities have for schooling should be good options. All of our schools, not just the handful.