
Icymi: I made a feed that collects posts about seeing a cybertruck for the first time because I enjoy them (the posts not the car) so much
My favorite thing about the Cybertruck is how the universal reaction seems to be "it's even more ugly in person", no matter how bad you expected it to be.
it even surprised me again when I saw it the second time, and I expect probably will again every time, it's like my mind can't fully comprehend it
I've seen them several times and each time it's as terrible as the last. Saw one in parked by my neighborhood market and almost hissed at it before I caught myself. It doesn't belong here!
It missed mine from a couple weeks ago, we saw it in front of the Yorba Hotel in Detroit, my partner took photos of me & our kid posing cheesy in front of it, mocking it. As we walked away we saw a guy come over and thought he was the owner and had seen us. Nope, he wanted to take his own selfie.
It's not retroactive, it only pulls new posts as they're made, unfortunately! But thank you that's an amazing story!
It appears to have missed mine, so here’s my story: May 18- I saw one on the freeway and said “oh f**k!” and pointed & laughed. Later that same day, I saw a trailer with four more cybertrucks on it. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Ahahaha! I love how pointing & laughing is like, an automatic response for so many, like you can't even help it, it just happens :D
I love this so much. Here is my contribution, replying about the first one I saw last week.
Saw my first one in the wild in Upstate NY the other day and the CONVULSIVE laugh that absolutely ERUPTED out of me is clearly the ONLY response to experiencing one of these things in person. You think you have a sense of their out-of-scale ugliness but nothing can prepare you for the real thing.
My reaction was nearly identical to yours! Truly just the most absurd looking thing, spontaneous and uncontrolled laughter is the most reasonable response
YES! The SCALE is so OFF, it wants to be taken so seriously and I just CANNOT.
I love this feed, though I fully expect to see Very Thoughtful Op-Ed Pieces about how former liberals are deciding to vote for Trump because people laughed at their cybertrucks.
My first cybertruck sighting was only a brief glimpse, but when I saw my second one, I got to point and laugh and squeal "It looks so stupid! You're such a dummy!"