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Alias Ryan Diamond: serial question asker, book enabler, whisky buff, original cadre of the Independent Company, and discusser of the Civil War over breakfast
Today’s charity shop haul: 18th century diplomatic history of a nation who was a non-combatant in a war. Super niche and signed 📚 👍 #histbookclub
There are books about history, there are historical books, and occasionally there are books from my history. Today’s haul is a throw back to my childhood. I wonder if it’s too late to enter the 1988 competition… #dragonlance
It finally arrived! That’s the full set of Tim Smith’s Vicksburg Campaign volumes!
Today’s haul is on the subject of deep thinking and deep glasses…
A Victorian General that was missing from my biography collection, and I’m surprised more hasn’t been written about Warren. Spion Kop and Jack the Ripper - this chap couldn’t catch a break! #histbookchat
Too much news? Then let’s read something else. Yesterday’s haul: George I and the 1715 from Any Amount of Books and Ships of the ‘45 from the Bloomsbury Oxfam #histbookchat
Today’s haul speaks for itself…
Today’s haul: dodgy neighbours - Swedes, Prussians and Poles…and a bit of Tim Blanning.
Yesterday, on the way to an #acwrtuk talk in London I raided Any Amount of Books shop and came away some serious aristocrats…
Great talk in the Civil Service Club today with #acwrtuk: Ian Hope, chief historian at NATO, on ‘West Point, Military Science and the Civil War’.
When you say “I’m not buying anymore FWW or SWW books for a long time” remember not to bid for things on eBay while under the influence… yesterday’s haul.
Yesterday’s haul expands the War of the Spanish Succession section. Navy Records Society works are always useful but I can’t find anything about the author of ‘Diplomacy’…?
Not all games that come with a map are about war! Today’s boardgame delivery is’s Votes for Women. She Who Must Be Obeyed might not have to be obeyed if she can’t get the 19th Amendment ratified!
I did not succeed in ignoring the Naval & Military Press sale… 🤦🏻📚
Reposted byAvatar TheKnightIrish
An Irishman drinking English vintage sparkling wine while reading about a Frenchman’s views on Americans. #readingndrinking. We are at Forty Hall Farm/Vineyard in Enfield celebrating some wonderful wines including the 2013 vintage 🍾
A late delivery this evening of Gareth Glover’s volume II of Tupper Carey’s Journal 📚 ⛺️
In order to escape the current lows of electoral politics I’m going back to more highbrow eras - today’s haul…
In preparation for the mad idea of reading ‘Democracy in America’ I’ve decided to get some guidance from Sir Larry Siedentop. A wise and decent man I first heard of him on Giles Fraser’s Confessions podcast. I was sad to discover Sir Larry passed away just a few days ago. 🫡
Today’s haul is more Polish history haul for the 18th century…
The latest haul is another addition to my 18th century blind spots. Just because the British didn’t fight in it directly doesn’t mean it didn’t happen…
My War of 1812 reading draws to a close with an #alternatehistory starting with a British victory at Plattsburgh. A Betty Stogs (dressed as Britannia) beer seems appropriate. #readingndrinking
18th century haul are all Oxfam purchases today. Seapower by the legend that is Richard Harding. A signed bio of PM Newcastle. Finally, an interesting collection of essays on Naples in the 1700s… 📚 #histbookchat
Today’s haul: Buchan from the British Heart Foundation shop; Holmes & some Jacobites from Oxfam; and Vauban from my dealer in York 👍
A morning diet of eggs benedict, freshly squeezed orange juice and conflict with Cousin Jonathan. Suddenly She Who Must Be Obeyed announced she thinks she met Jon Latimer when she was at Swansea! #readingndrinking
A Helion delivery today with Rob Griffith’s personalised bookplated latest and some Italians thrown in for colour… #histbookchat
Yesterday’s lunchtime haul from Oxfam. A nice signed copy on a subject I know little about in the Napoleonic Wars… #histbookchat
An exchange of gifts with She Who Must Be Obeyed yesterday: I got a full set of bank notes covered in Charlie and she got a Queen Mary groat. Coincidently, both gifts were of roughly the same value. 👑 💷
Today’s haul from London’s charity shops: one on the Northern Wars and another on the contractor states and war (the second really was a bargain). #histbookchat
Today’s haul from various London Oxfam shops: a lovely signed copy of De Thevoz’s Club Government (I have his second book on London clubs as well); some modern and 18th century politics; more Waterloo Archives and Durham of the Defiant’s papers 📚 👍