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AuDHD • exvie • podcaster • blogger • ex-church staffer • 🩷💜💙 • she/her • https://linktr.ee/thelifeshewrote
The degree of difference between any religious person is the level to which they choose to ignore things like logic, reason and science in order to keep believing. As evangelicals we mocked Mormons, Catholics, JW’s etc. But we weren’t all that different. And certainly not better.
Conservative Christianity turns its followers into small-minded, insufferable hate mongers. Problem is they call that love and they’re proud of it.
Reposted byAvatar Em✨
“The deep-seated evangelical fear of a true, deep, not spiritually-bypassed-and-wrapped-up-in-Jesus-magic self-awareness also severely circumscribes’ evangelicals capacity for empathy.”
I know I haven't been online much lately, as I've been swamped with getting ready to move, etc. But here's some of what I'm thinking about during this stressful week: www.bugbeardispatch.com/p/genre-art-...
Genre Art, Self-Awareness, and Empathywww.bugbeardispatch.com or, Why I'm an Unapologetic Fake Geek Girl
Ask me about the correlation between ppl who leave evangelical spaces, but especially women, who then also went on to get late-diagnosed adhd or autism or both. Its there. There’s no data yet but if there was the data would show a direct correlation id bet my life on it.
Reposted byAvatar Em✨
a very important skill for Online is (if you are not directly affected) to be able to look at the day's discourse and go "no, absolutely the fuck not" and then not post about it
“…we know the truth. Millennials aren’t rife with contradictions and allegedly falling behind because we’re these entitled, spoiled creatures. We were raised in preparation for a world that no longer exists and are forever trying to navigate the terms.” -Kate Kennedy, One in a Millennial truth.😭😭😭
Just out here reminding ppl that survivors don’t speak out against evangelical church’s and leaders because it’s trendy. We do it because we’ve been ignored for decades and they’re still out there, indoctrinating the next generation. It must be stopped.
Belief in some supernatural malevolent power is a farce. But it’s easier to blame an unseen mythical force than to be held accountable yourself, or hold others accountable for systemic oppression. It allows believers to live in an alternate reality of smoke & mirrors.
sometimes being #AuDHD is accepting you’re always going to feel invisible even if that’s not objectively true.🫥
“you can’t go around validating other ppl’s opinions” is the most pastor-y pastor thing to say of all time. anyone in disagreement with the pastor is divisive, and must be silenced, full stop. the reason? the pastors pristine reputation. after all, ppls salvation depends on it.🫠
Christians are experts at seeing or hearing something that doesn’t align with their narrow worldview and deeming it “of the world” so that they never have to learn the how or why. Whats it called when leaders isolate their followers by limiting access to information? Oh! A cult.
ok it’s funny that likes are private over on the bird app now because of my over 3k followers there most mutuals are never shown my tweets so I get almost no engagement. but I’m not good at new things, someone help me out over here maybe I’ll be around more 😫
I’ve been in the seventh circle of hell for 8 days (my evangelical parents’ home in northern AZ) and therefore have not even begun to think about the fact it is 2024 and Christmas is over or reflect on 2023. My brain feels like scrambled eggs.
I think the most exhausting thing about being with my mother for a week is not being allowed to disagree. About anything. Ever. No original thought allowed. Unless your original thought is the exact same as her original thought. Because only she is the most right all the time.
So far we’ve made it thru another Christmas with my evangelical parents without having to explain who baby Jesus is to my kids who are now 9 and 5 years old and if that isn’t winning as an exvie parent idk what is.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
And the award for most confusing piece of evangelical Christmas imagery this year goes to…. my parents’ mini-mega church youth group and their annual Christmas sticker design! Remember kids, Santa washed your sins white as snow!
What’s a week with my mother without at least one convo where she audibly gasps at the suggestion that *her* brand of Christianity is not superior to all others and without fault? Oh right, I wouldn’t know. We made it to day 2 this time.
5yo in the car, holding her breath trying to get rid of hiccups. Me: careful dont pass out 5yo: don’t worry I won’t I’m invincible Me: haha oh you are, huh? *deadpan stares at me in the rearview mirror totally serious* 5yo: no I really am. Because I have one hundred thousand souls. 😐💀
No one sees my tweets and idk if anyone will see this, but I worked pretty hard on these episodes so I’m sharing this here for any listeners who migrated from the bird app.
The world is scary and sad right now and I’m coping by leaving Hallmark Christmas movies on in the background all day every day. I’m not saying it’s healthy or even entertaining (I’m mostly yelling at the writers) but it’s all I’ve got.
It’s raining again. And I’m writing and researching and writing. With the music on quietly in the background. My kids are playing together downstairs. Is this what joy feels like? Maybe so, just maybe…
If anyone ever wonders how evangelical my parents still are; my dad is prob wrapping up his shift as an armed safety officer at their church and my mom spent yesterday mentoring moms of young children at a women’s conference. (she can’t impart her wisdom on me so she has to find someone else🫠)
It is raining. Like actual water falling from clouds. Best. Day. Ever.
Parenting a 5yo is promising to text her kindergarten teacher to confirm there will be an earthquake *drill* on Thursday, not a scheduled real earthquake. Because said 5yo doesn’t believe you when you explain earthquakes can’t be scheduled ahead of time…😵‍💫
Autism is not an equation to be solved. Learning you’re #actuallyautistic does not mean oh now I have to find the hack to mask my autism *even better* than before. Lol ok brain, good luck with that👌🏼
lyrical smile indigo eyes hand on my thigh we can follow the sparks I’ll drive.
Spent a fair amount of time writing fiction this morning and a couple things came up for me. 1)it’s hard to stop writing when I have to go do other things (like pick up kids) 2) I get frustrated that my brain works faster than my hands can type.
Oh hey there I have a podcast and I managed to publish an episode on its promised day.🙃 An exercise in vulnerability on autism, adhd and religious trauma… t.co/DkH0iSmRRV