
CIJA accused Dattani of posting articles on Twitter that compared Israel to Nazi Germany CIJA Israel Director David Weinberg dehumanized Muslims & human rights activists calling them “snakes”, “barbarians”, & “terrorists” Alan Fryer lived in Moscow Spencer Fernando is National Citizens Coalition
CIJA Israel Office Director David M. Weinberg compared the bombing of Gaza to “mowing your front lawn” Life partners Stephanie Danyluk & Spencer Fernando both resigned from the Manitoba Liberal Party March 2016 March 11, 2019 Spencer Fernando joins National Citizens Coalition as an election fellow
Stephanie Danyluk was running against Brian Pallister in the Fort Whyte riding in the Manitoba election 2016 Pallister was Premier from 2016 to 2021 Brian Pallister never explained his 240 days (18%) of his time in office in Costa Rica
Pallister spends nearly 1 in 5 days of his time in Costa Rica, logs show | CBC Since his election as a Manitoba MLA in September 2012, Brian Pallister has travelled to Costa Rica 15 times, spending 18.2 per cent of his total time in the Central American country.
Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister also never explained how his Costa Rican tax debts of $8,000, on the holding company controlled by Pallister (Finca Deneter Doce Sociedad Anonima) that owned his vacation home, appeared on a Costa Rican luxury tax amnesty list.
Premier Brian Pallister got amnesty on Costa Rica vacation home taxes: government document | CBC The CBC has learned Manitoba's premier got a tax break from the Costa Rican government on money he owed — a tax settlement Brian Pallister denies knowing anything about.
Funny they named it the National Citizens Coalition when it was started to promote corporate interests.
National Citizens Coalition -
Yes, I think it's an attempt to be ironic and clever while being deceptive. Harper's IDU International Democracy Union is about installing dictators and making them look democratic.