
It's really weird to have been around when the internet first really started taking off and see it become this massive part of our daily lives and now to watch AI break it apart in real time. It's wild. Like I saw a star be born and turn into a black hole
This is a great way to describe it. From an amazing innovation that helped people connect with one another and learn boundless new information to a shambling shell of itself that's near impossible to find accurate info on.
Right? As a friend of mine recently said, "A future where the best tools to fight against AI garbage is years-old reddit shitposts and The Onion articles, is one that I don't think anyone saw coming."
It's almost like a mini dark age where we had this incredible wealth of information, and now suddenly no one knows what's real anymore and google is telling folks to eat rocks.
Google once being the best search engine by far, and the company being a source of positive innovation, is hard to believe now. I feel reverse gaslit (gaslighted?).
Yeah, it went from a thing you had to put in effort to interact with to a thing that is almost as ubiquitous as air. It's weird to think about.
Tower of babble. Something new will be born.
The internet becoming owned between three different fascists and the rest being killed by the AI sludge deluge is part of the reason why I'm getting into HAM radio. Game over.
If you’re trying to avoid insane fascists and deluges of sludge I have some bad news for you about the ham community at large
I count myself lucky my local repeater is full of people who want to fuck aliens
Well I mean who doesn’t
I wonder if it was similar to people who lived to see the rise and fall of malls
You're not kidding. Internet entropy in real time. Probably kind of cyclical though, so maybe we'll yet get to see the rise of AOL and Geocities again... 🤣
There was this real sweet spot in, like, 2010, when it seemed like the gates were really thrown open and then they slammed them shut so hard it gave us all nose bleeds.
"Ive...seen things you...would not believe. Zeroes becoming o's to indicate n00bs. Ceiling cats watching us masturbate. Dresses being white, blue, black and gold at the same time. All those moments...will be, l33ts in a stream. Time to unalive."
They started out aiming for the moon, got close, turned around, and then landed, with painfully precise intention, in a dumpster full of toxic electronic waste.
I was going to post the Doctor Who scene of "you saw a star being born" vut Bluesky doesn't allow external gifs.
I had a similar feeling when the WWW first happened, and ISPs started up. Also a few other times since. It's weird that you kind of get used to the cyclical nature of it.
So, I’ve encountered my first instance searching Amazon reviews. When you searched reviews for a key word it used to bring all those reviews to the top. Today I could only get an ‘AI’ generated blurb. Fucksticks!
From the information age to the disinformation age. Just more tools to lie and misinform.
Everything is goatse now.
nothing is being broken apart, all the contents are still there