
AND Dirty Computer and the Age of Pleasure got criminally under-covered and I will bet you hard cash that when this washes out one of them will be charting differently
Dirty Computer got DOUBLY hit, because Monáe was jussssssst about to announce the second leg of the US tour behind the album… and then the beginning of 2020 hit. GODDAMNITSOMUCH And I have NO idea how Age Of Pleasure got ignored like it did.
I’m still furious that Dirty Computer didn’t generate the same million thinkpieces that Lemonade did, because it merited them just as much. The Womanist theology in the album video was its own longform piece begging to be written!!
This! I still think about this pretty much every time I listen to Dirty Computer (either album, really, but mostly Dirty Computer) I wish I'd had the energy to write them myself!
I did a Twitter thread when it came out of Dirty Computer screenshots basically doing the initial work for whoever wanted to take the theology ball and run with it but it was sooooooooooo not my piece to write
Explicitly begged some folks to take it on, the whole thing.
I remember that. I really wish I had been capable at the time.
Certainly some of it for a Black Womanist Christian theologian to take on. Though I'm sure there were plenty of things to write for plenty of lanes and I bet you woulda done something amazing, had capacity allowed.
If ALL it had given us was “Make Me Feel” and “Americans” dayenu. AND YET. (And having gotten to see her on the Electric Lady tour, I’m STILL angry towards the world’s COVID19 response that we here in Houston never got a stop on the Dirty Computer tour.) (Among other things.)
The only reaction I can really remember is Ben Shapiro whining about Pink being too gay and sexy