
Since the LBJ discourse is now happening, just from the aspect of the dude is pushing 80 and shouldn’t be in charge of anything bigger than an HOA was reason enough for Biden to step down. I would LOVE to not have to vote for that bastard, but the horse is out of that barn already.
Like barring actual death, these two decrepit husks are who were stuck with. And if that isn’t the best indictment of both parties and their spineless greed and petulance, I don’t know what is.
The focus can’t be on miraculously getting a better candidate, because the Dem establishment would just pick some other sycophantic loser like they did in 68. The focus needs to be on getting those rotting corpses out of power so we can actually have some progress
And spoiler in that but, it’s not gonna be at the ballot box. It’s gonna on the streets, and in front of their offices. It’s gonna be by making their every waking moment while in office a living hell. Have fun with that.