
This is basically what centrism is deep down, a childish desire to believe the world is simple and scold the people who maybe don't believe the austere, transphobic, racist party replacing the other austere, transphobic, racist party is unambiguously good.
Cool, the Tory Party have lost an election except, oops, all the same policies are now being implemented by a squawking ham, a woman who had her commons credit card suspended and a man who can barely pass the Turing Test.
I mean for fucks sake, most centrist are in their 50s, grow up and get a sense of the real world.
There is no reason tories losing means it's positive labour wins
Honestly it's real "you've ruined Christmas!" from a spoiled brat vibes and I'm fed up of these people being coddled.
It's somehow not childish to accept the bare fucking minimum, and he's not even offering that. He's offering literally worse. You're right. I've had enough just patting their heads explaining it back to them
I will NOT have anyone ruining this by pointing out that Labour have promised to ruin their lives in the same way the tories do
Centrists are spoiled brats never told no their whole lives They’ve almost always papered over discomfort and community so they’ve stagnated, never growing into humane adults So they only value their imaginary inhumane joyless vapid capitalist lifestyle
The level of analysis you'd apply to winning a football match
Apparently that account is a bit, but it's not very funny and very annoying.
The Tories are only being allowed to lose because Labour have promised to replace them! Individual Tories aren't even suffering, they're fucking off to better jobs and holidays! Torylabour will use the celebration to justify continuing the Tory stuff!