
the Supreme Court specifically said “the only reason the VRA exists in its current form is that legislators are afraid they’ll be voted out if they change it, therefore the court has a duty to rewrite the legislation to protect their careers” and we somehow didn’t just disband it
same thing as happened in Sackett last term: Alito decided on a (scientifically wrong) definition of "wetlands" that *he* thought made sense and added it into the law because he thinks government has too much power to keep water from getting contaminated (i will never not be mad about Sackett)
I just heard a podcast about how the advent of amicus briefs just meant you could enter lies into the record as true and the fact our court systems haven’t developed some way to deal with this is wild
it truly is incredible how often court opinions contain objective misstatements of fact, about objective reality and/or the facts of the case, and that doesn’t provide involved parties grounds for appeal or recourse
Didn't Thomas say in the football-prayer case that the coach was praying in private with his team? When there were actual pictures of them praying in midfield during a game? (not during a play, although that would have been humorous.)
Yeah most of the facts in that case were lies