
If the entire Democratic party put out unified statemens of support for Biden, the ghouls in the New York Times or Washington Post would go "Concerning they felt the need to do this, is Biden too old?" and lavishly quote concerned (yet unnamed) sources agreeing, this is the fucking Wrong Rock Game
Biden does what they want and drops out with Harris replacing him? "Can the untested candidate appointed by a feeble president who we are retconning to always have been this way even be trusted? Perhaps she should drop out too, as Unnamed Insider here suggests!" And on and on.
They are either longing for a second Trump term or deranged with boredom and wanting to "make this election EXCITING", and regardless I despise them all.
I hope all the pundits and journalists doing their best to manifest their own fanfic of the election bite their lip on the same spot several times in a row and it HURTS like hell. And then bite it again.