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hello, joyce?
i need madeline miller to write 800 books
“lucy, wanna go on a fart walk?”
Reposted byAvatar keeks
i sent my closest college friend this silly shirt for her birthday and her daughter is not into it
Reposted byAvatar keeks
today my parents celebrate 42 years of marriage and i just love them 🥹
every so often that google doc — of doctors who will perform a tubal ligation no questions asked — starts circulating again. sharing here for those who might need it
Gynecologists who will perform a tubal sterilization - Google
lamborghinis, cool snakes, spinning rims, 20,000 followers on instagram, girls with pigtails eating lollipops, latex pants, carl's jr. ads, and sex!
every time someone on love island says someone or something is sexy i just picture janet listing off jason’s list of sexy things
every time someone on love island says someone or something is sexy i just picture janet listing off jason’s list of sexy things
Reposted byAvatar keeks
frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack
frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack
If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
this NP and her team not only had NO clue what to do for a needle stick (they’re around needles all day, this should be common knowledge?) but she also told me i was taking a five day course of HIV PrEP, instead of TWENTY EIGHT DAYS. do i report her?? like what do i do?
after calling around to various krogers for two hours we have it figured out. she sent it to the wrong location and half the pharmacy phones and computers are down. lesson: don’t get a needle stick, your life will suck
i do need to eat more green food…
Real quick question but who is this for?
don’t forget that jd vance thinks women should stay in abusive relationships for the kids 🙃
just saw a “helpful” video on how to recognize a drink that’s been spiked and the first suggestion was to taste it to see if it tastes funny
Reposted byAvatar keeks
after calling around to various krogers for two hours we have it figured out. she sent it to the wrong location and half the pharmacy phones and computers are down. lesson: don’t get a needle stick, your life will suck
the NP didn’t call in my prescriptions and the 72hr window to start them is up this afternoon. i got a text survey asking how i would rate this provider and i gave her a 0 after the survey wouldn’t allow a -4
me with regards to glen powell:
the NP didn’t call in my prescriptions and the 72hr window to start them is up this afternoon. i got a text survey asking how i would rate this provider and i gave her a 0 after the survey wouldn’t allow a -4
the on duty NP just made 3 phone calls to another off site doc to find out what to do with me. like is a needle stick not a standard protocol????
the on duty NP just made 3 phone calls to another off site doc to find out what to do with me. like is a needle stick not a standard protocol????
spending my sunday at urgent care because i got a needle poke from a discarded (used? not sure) needle someone left on a table at the winery
Reposted byAvatar keeks
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I get injured on company time…
spending my sunday at urgent care because i got a needle poke from a discarded (used? not sure) needle someone left on a table at the winery
crying over this teeny sparkly mushroom
chugging a mcd’s diet coke on the drive to work
in NYC years ago my mom was walking out of a building and right past dr. ruth. even though she was with her mother and aunt and uncle, mom yelled “dr. ruth i love your work” 🥲
my life savings to anyone who can come put me in a loving but efficient sleeper hold