The USA Singers

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The USA Singers

We are The USA Singers. Makers of Resistance Music. Activists against fascist theocracies. Vote Blue Always 🤘🇺🇸🍊
Project 2025 will take America back to the Dark Ages. Let’s not give Republicans the satisfaction. Vote Blue to stop their regressive insanity.
Eric Trump said somebody took off half his daddy’s ear because he doesn’t understand math, or fractions, or percentages, or numbers, or science, or physiology, or biology, or medicine, or the truth.
Peter Navarro goes from hanging out with criminals in prison to hanging out with criminals at the RNC.
The MAGA cult is gross. Disgusting. Deplorable. These people are mentally ill. White Nationalism is a sickness. It’s a cancer. Our vote is the radiation. Vote Blue to heal America.
JD Vance is against divorce. Wait until he finds out about Donald Trump.
Trump asked the Secret Service to get his shoes because he didn’t want anyone to see his swastika socks.
Don’t listen to the polls. Don’t listen to the pundits. There are millions more of us than there are of them. If we show up to the polls, we win. Vote Blue to save America.
Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, & David Sacks want Donald Trump to win & forge an unholy alliance with Putin & turn the world into a fascist dystopian hellscape. They don’t care about freedom or democracy. All they want are their tax cuts. Vote Blue to stop these greedy monsters.
Steve Bannon’s bestie Guo Wengui was just found guilty of fraud and racketeering and is facing decades in prison after stealing almost a billion dollars from his followers in an online crypto Ponzi scheme. You are the company you keep.
Republicans hate each other almost as much as they hate Democrats.
Where’s Ivanka? Where’s Melania? Why are his wife and sidepiece MIA?
Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Rupert Murdoch, Davis Sacks, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, their little bitchboy JD Vance, and rest of the MAGA cult want to destroy American Democracy and replace it with a Fascist Theocratic Oligarchy. They’ve got another thing coming.
Bob Menendez was found guilty on all charges. Good. Now throw that corrupt piece of shit in jail where he belongs. Republicans, see how easy that is?
Now is the time to rally around Joe Biden. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment in American history. We must once again summon the Blue Wave to defeat Donald Trump. We did it in 2020. We’ll do it again in November. Vote Blue.
“What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants & animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations, a kind of planet-wide mutual mouth-to-stoma resuscitation, the entire elegant cycle powered by a star 150 million kilometers away.” ~ Carl Sagan: Genius This is what matters.
Trump couldn’t be bothered to call the family of Corey Comperatore, the man who he got killed at his Pennsylvania cult rally, because he was too busy getting his ego stroked at the RNC.
Today would be a great day for the government to cancel all of Elon Musk’s contracts.
JD Vance is owned by Peter Thiel, who is a fascist psychopath even weirder and creepier than Elon Musk. We can’t let these unAmerican oligarchs turn our country into a dystopian hellscape. Vote Blue.
The brave patriotic nurse who put a Kotex on Trump’s stupid fat head is clearly a Democrat who deserves a medal. America thanks you for this comedy gold.
The good news is that no one is calling for Biden to step down anymore.
Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, & Rupert Murdoch are the immigrants who are actively destroying America.
They let Katie Britt out of the kitchen so she could go to the RNC and lie and gaslight and vomit propaganda for her beloved cult leader Donald Trump.
💥Fact Check💥 NOTHING was better when Trump was president.
Trump is so horrible that he inspires people from his own party to try and assassinate him.
Donald Trump is such a gigantic domestic terrorist that he even incites violence against himself.
JD Vance may hate Donald Trump, but he masturbates to Project 2025.
Tim Scott and his beard are heartbroken.
JD Vance had these things to say about Trump, & now he’s his VP pick. “Noxious & reprehensible” “I'm a never-Trump guy” “I never liked him” “Terrible candidate” “A cynical asshole” “Cultural heroin” “You’re an idiot if you voted for him” “America's Hitler” What a hypocrite.
When JD Vance called Trump, “America’s Hitler,” Trump took it as a compliment.