
heartily agree that this is extremely terrible and should come to an end immediately if not sooner
To be fair the U.S. predilection to call people by a position they no longer hold is equally baffling to me. “President Trump” “General Petraeus” etc.
The worst? "Coach." That honorific gets attached to anyone who prowled a sideline for the remainder of their days. It will always be weird to me.
Yeah, the UK is being silly when they say "it's Sir Kier, not Prime Minister Starmer," but they're kind of onto something with "the former President, Jimmy Carter" and the like.
I would like to be able to address some people as "you idiot" long after they've gotten smarter.
my favorite is when people take "Attorney General" and call the current/former title-holder "General" - compounding one sin with another.