
What's really disturbing about the debate fiasco is there's no way to be confident that Biden has it in him to pull off the near-flawless execution he'll need to win at this point. At a minimum, the Bidens owe us a real conversation about that. My take:
What Joe Biden Really Owes the Country Right There's no sugar-coating the debate, which was a disaster. At a minimum, he and Jill owe the country an honest conversation about whether he can still do this.
Biden needs “near-flawless” execution, and Trump…. What does he need? He executed his lies and extremism flawlessly! Dems in trouble.
the piece talks about Trump's lies and extremism at length
It’s delusional to think holding them to the same standard is important. There’s two constituencies here and one of them doesn’t care if their candidate lies. A thousand headlines calling him a lying fascist isn’t going to impact his odds. Biden faces entirely different expectations.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Team Biden would agree to a debate format without fact checking. Did they think Joe was going to be sharp enough to debunk every Trump lie on the fly?
The Biden camp wanted this debate, right? I don't know what they were thinking
The hubris of this octogenarian is going to cause the death of our Republic.