
Don’t believe “alarmist” lefties like me? Fair enough! But you should believe these rightwing leaders when they tell us that they aggressively reject the idea of a pluralistic democratic society and will use government as an authoritarian tool against it.
The one constant in my conversations about “Project 2025” is that almost everyone is taken aback by what’s in these plans, even people who really pay attention to politics - if not by how radical it is, then by how far-reaching, detailed, and aggressively explicit it is.
What “Project 2025” Would Do to The Right has developed concrete plans to make America into a much nastier place for anyone who dares to deviate from the white Christian patriarchal order. That’s what is on the ballot in November
I just feel so resigned. Feels like watching a trainwreck in slow motion, and we can do nothing about it. I want to feel differently, I want to help nip this fascist project in the bud, but it ultimately rests on swing voters to make the decision. How can we communicate to them about this project?
With honey, IMHO. I don’t like to subscribe to the “we don’t owe anyone politeness”, but online toxic mean-ness has done so much damage to peoples’ mental health and psyche. A civil conversation, but also just getting ready to support you and yours by any means you can.