
America can accept this Supreme Court as legitimate and its rulings as the final word - or it can have true democracy and a functioning state. But not both.   Wrote this a year ago - and things have only gotten worse: The Rogue Court vs Modern Democracy 1/
The Rogue Court vs Modern America can accept this Supreme Court as legitimate and its rulings as the final word - or it can have true democracy and a functioning state. But not both.
We need to see the Supreme Court’s disastrous rulings in the context of the Right’s larger project to uphold traditional hierarchies of race, wealth/class, gender, and religion - all part of the attempt to halt the drive towards egalitarian, multiracial, pluralistic democracy. 2/
The reactionary majority has gone rogue, occasional tactical restraint notwithstanding. The main reason why this Court has lost its legitimacy is not even how this majority came to be, but the way it has been asserting judicial supremacy in service of an extremist cause. 3/
There is no consistent logic or principle beyond ideologically-driven power politics. Yes, the constitution insulates the Court from direct democratic control – but that doesn’t mean we should allow it to simply turn against democracy itself. 4/
The idea that those who founded the United States envisioned a super-body composed of unaccountable, all-powerful rulers clad in robes, free to reign entirely outside the structure of institutions that make up the political system, is preposterous. 5/
The Court is spearheading the attempts by a radicalizing minority to install ever more authoritarian forms of minoritarianism in order to secure their status against the will of the majority. And as of right now, these radicalizing reactionaries are succeeding.
The Rogue Court vs Modern America can accept this Supreme Court as legitimate and its rulings as the final word - or it can have true democracy and a functioning state. But not both.
Beängstigend. Mehr kann ich gar nicht sagen.
When I lived in Germany, I honestly never knew who the Supreme Court justices were.
Absolutely. As a citizen you should be able to trust your institutions! When the Court itself is the story they either have way too much power, are politicized, or both.
This is scarier than any specific decision they've made. Lawlessness in SCOTUS? OMG.
What do we do. If there’s no action plan in the first 24 hours there will never be one. I can’t sit around and rage at the phone. I have to be more useful than this.