Ticia Verveer

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Ticia Verveer


Writer, archaeologist.
Collector of stories, old and new.

Archaeologists found large planks and structural elements made from wood, corresponding with the walls and floors of the Neolithic dwellings at La Draga, a prehistoric lakeshore settlement, located in the city of Banyoles, Catalonia. www.heritagedaily.com/2024/07/arch...
Archaeologists uncover preserved wooden elements from Neolithic settlementwww.heritagedaily.com Archaeologists have discovered wooden architectural elements at the La Draga Neolithic settlement.
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He later went on to work at Image Comics.
Around 2,200 years ago, the artist Hephaistion left his signature on a mosaic floor in the form of a piece of parchment held down with small drops of wax. This perfect imitation of a sheet of parchment, with one corner curled up, was discovered in one of the palaces at Pergamon.
Burials dating back more than 1,000 years have been found in the garden of The Old Bell Hotel in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. The remains date to 670- 940 AD and possibly provide evidence of the early monastic community associated with Malmesbury Abbey. cotswoldarchaeology.co.uk/anglo-saxon-...
Anglo-Saxon remains discovered at Malmesbury's Old Bell Hotelcotswoldarchaeology.co.uk Anglo-Saxon remains dating back over 1,000 years, unearthed at Malmesbury's Old Bell Hotel, reveal insights into early monastic life at Malmesbury Abbey
Around 2,200 years ago, the artist Hephaistion left his signature on a mosaic floor in the form of a piece of parchment held down with small drops of wax. This perfect imitation of a sheet of parchment, with one corner curled up, was discovered in one of the palaces at Pergamon.
National Park Service archeologists working at Minute Man National Historical Park recently discovered five musket balls that were fired during the event known as “The Shot Heard Round the World” on April 19, 1775. www.nps.gov/mima/learn/n...
NPS Discovers Nearly 250-Year-Old Musket Balls from ‘Shot Heard Round the World’ - Minute Man National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service)www.nps.gov
A large marble statue of Hermes has been found in a Roman sewer at the ancient site of Heraclea Sintica in southwestern Bulgaria. m.novinite.com/articles/227...
This grave stele dates to the 2nd century and was discovered in 1878 at Arbeia, a vicus and Roman fort on Hadrian's Wall (modern South Shields, England). It was commissioned by the Syrian Barates for his wife Regina, a Catuvellaunian freedwoman. The epitaph is written in Latin and Palmyrene Aramaic.
Archaeologists working with Indigenous communities are revealing the footprints of vast ghost cities. It is now thought the pre-Columbian Amazon was inhabited by millions of people living in large built-up areas with road networks, temples, and pyramids.
How ghost cities in the Amazon are rewriting the story of civilisationwww.newscientist.com Remote sensing, including lidar, reveals that the Amazon was once home to millions of people. The emerging picture of how they lived challenges ideas of human cultural evolution
The ruins of an ancient Roman garden likely owned by Emperor Caligula have been excavated as part of a major construction project near the Vatican. Archaeologists unearthed a travertine wall and the foundations of a colonnaded portico. www.wantedinrome.com/news/ancient...
Rome unearths ruins of ancient garden linked to Caligulawww.wantedinrome.com The ruins of an ancient Roman garden likely owned by Emperor Caligula have been excavated as part of a major Jubilee construction project near the Vatican.
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Net terug van vakantie en de eerste online meeting is een feit! Natuurvereniging #KNNV heeft z'n naam veranderd en daarmee is er ook een nieuw logo. Vanavond uitleg over het gebruik ervan. Hier zie je alle logo's van de afgelopen 100 jaar. Het nieuwe logo staat in ons profiel!
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Jean-Baptiste Andrea’s Duivels en heiligen, vertaald door Martine Woudt is een van de beste boeken van 2024 tot nu toe, schrijft Het Parool. Lees bij ons een fragment!www.athenaeum.nl/lee...
"Among the significant features identified by the survey work was evidence for what are believed to be two previously unknown Roman villas and a Roman roadside cemetery, on a road leading out of Wroxeter." www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/shrops...
Archaeology on the Attingham Estatewww.nationaltrust.org.uk Our ancestors found this to their liking, and we have lots of evidence of human activity from an early age.
This is my family's story,an entire world erased for being Jewish. My grandparents survived. I light candles in honor of our family that did not. They were shot to death,gassed or died from starvation and exhaustion. I remember them,along with the rest of the 6 million like them. May we never forget
4 July 1930 | A Dutch Jewish girl, Betty Kitty Verveer, was born in The Hague. In October 1942 she was deported to Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.
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"The wall...has now been conclusively identified as part of the structures built by the Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus to contain the slave revolt leader Spartacus and his forces."
Archaeologists identified a stone wall & earthwork extending over 2.7 km in the Dossone della Melia forest, Calabria, Italy. The wall, accompanied by a deep ditch, has been identified as part of the structures built by the Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus www.archaeological.org/wall-built-t...
The 2024 expedition to the Antikythera wreck confirmed a second wreck site. Excavation trenches have been opened in 2 areas and yielded a wealth of archaeological material: about 300 objects, incl 21 marble fragments and elements of the ship’s hull. www.esag.swiss/antikythera2...
Exceptional excavation season in Antikythera - ESAGwww.esag.swiss
Archaeologists identified a stone wall & earthwork extending over 2.7 km in the Dossone della Melia forest, Calabria, Italy. The wall, accompanied by a deep ditch, has been identified as part of the structures built by the Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus www.archaeological.org/wall-built-t...
July is the 7th month of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. It was the 5th month in the early calendar of the ancient Romans. The month Quintilius, which means 5th, was renamed by a Roman Senate to Julius (July) in honour of Julius Caesar, who was born in July.
Archaeologists uncovered a public building from the Late Roman to Early Byzantine period at Nordau Street in Lod, Israel. 94 silver and bronze coins dating between 221—354 AD were found in the structure. www.israelnationalnews.com/news/391599?...
Evidence found in Lod of last Jewish revolt against Roman rule in Israelwww.israelnationalnews.com Archaeological site found from the Gallus Revolt, the last Jewish resistance against Roman rule 1650 years ago.