Tiff E. Sniffs

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Tiff E. Sniffs


I’m 30 or 40 years old. Novice artist on Procreate. She/they. Always happy to make mutuals!

BG3 | Disco Elysium | True Detective | Deltarune & Undertale | Dune
Foraging | mushrooms | cool rocks | baking | funny little collectables
Life hack: you can stay up real late past the point of exhaustion until nothing feels real anymore. Not sure what benefit this provides but it is something you can do. Follow for more things you can do
Need to do a census on Mad At Me Island
Reposted byAvatar Tiff E. Sniffs
Hello all on this fine #Portfolioday! I'm Jade, I'm a recent graduate, and I make comics and illustrations with a focus on strong shadows and shape language! I also have experience organizing projects and events, and making products! 📧: [email protected] 💻: cosmotropic.com
Wow this bload up (sixteen likes)
Why do they call it the whetstone when you wet in the dull knife wet out sharp cut the knife
My bf said that we should've called skeets "bweets" and tbh it sounds better. It's funny in its own right. I bweeted. He/She/They/Etc bwot
Why do they call it the whetstone when you wet in the dull knife wet out sharp cut the knife
Reposted byAvatar Tiff E. Sniffs
honestly just happy that the italian officials correctly gendered me
Challenge: putting together an apartment aesthetic that says “wizard tower” without it looking like a theme park
One thing I wish this game had was a practice combat feature to test out builds. I like to stab people for lots of damage and see the big number go up. Ape brain is simple
The app that controls my humidifier offered me a boiled eggs recipe
Me during the day, every fucking day: I need to go to sleep earlier than 2am Me when 2am rolls around:
I’m impressed with how much better I’ve gotten at BG3. The House of Grief fight took me literally 6-8 hours of constant reloading to finally eke out a victory my first run on balanced. This time I cleaned up on my first try on tactician, not even close. No “broken builds” or cheesing.
Me earlier: man that “evil of my evil” quote Lestat says about Claudia really describes me huh 4 hours later, thinking about a favor I’m about to do for someone without their knowledge: wauw i’m a saint
I linked two people to the brat merch site today and both bought something… so Charlize XCX I will be expecting the commission check in the mail
If she’s your girl, why is she reverse creaming my cake
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Serious post alert: I am looking for a job! I'm a frontend/fullstack eng with 6+ years experience. At my last job I worked on React performance, previously I consulted with gov clients, writing webapps in React+(Go/Python). I also like making work more fun(ctional)! (ask) "Bluesky do your thing"
Just saw a dude walking down the street clapping along and dancing to whatever was playing on his headphones and it matched the beat of what I was listening to perfectly. I’d like to think that it was also Cry For You by September.
Black coffee triggers my acid reflux pretty predictably and yet I forget every time until my tumby hurnts again. Real Sideshow Bob with the rake ass behavior
Truly tickles the hell out of me when I have the chance to speak (somewhat) authoritatively about stuff like 401k to my coworkers in their 20s who have questions I Guess I Have Knowledge
*tears streaming down my face, looking like a wreck* i’m so not julia
There is no use dwelling on the past, wishing to unmake your mistakes. Focus on the present moment, on what really matters: the things you’re fucking up right now and all of the fuck ups to come. #LifeTips #BelieveInYourself #Motivation
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*Lana Del Rey voice* I got that all the time, all the time sadness
They should invent bananas that only ripen when you want them to
The fun part* of moving is that you get to re-discover stuff you forgot you had, e.g. a gouache painting of a Frasier Mii you started but haven’t finished (yet) *there is no fun part
That’s that WE espresso, comrade