
people will put “trans rights are human rights” in their bio and then say without a hint of irony that they won’t even vote to keep Trump out of office “ally” is a verb, and if your ACTION isn’t supporting and defending us you don’t get to call yourself one
I have a couple of dozen people on a block list that are like this, and most of them claim to be either trans or allies. Like, nah, fam, you ain't an ally.
yeah they’re quite the opposite actually!
not an ally to genocide, certainly
mmkay but don’t start a false equivalence as Trump would be far worse on Gaza we don’t pretend there’s no difference
Trump is out here using "Palestinian" as a slur and having encampments in the West Bank named after him and people are pretending they're the same smh
"Ally is a verb" - thank you for saying that with more concision and snap than I've ever managed. Will be quoting liberally, and come the day nobody has to.
vote for who, the guy who spent last week having his whitehouse repeatedly clarify they are not pro trans healthcare rights?
you really gonna pretend the two are the same even on trans rights? because that’s deep willful ignorance
the Biden white house literally just sided against trans kids getting healthcare and what makes you think they'll stop there even if you're somehow okay with that
Okay but the difference here is basically between an unfriendly dog and an actively slavering, rabid dog. One can be reasoned with into being more friendly, especially when it's feeling more comfortable. The other will tear your throat out given just a little bit of leeway and slack on it's lead.
Do I like the Biden administration? Fuck no, but there is no meaningful alternative. Do I like that's the state of politics in America? Also fuck no. But disengaging from the system will do more harm than good *at this particular point in time.*
When has Biden shown he can be reasonable or pushed? Also give me a ballpark of how many trans kids we should vote for killing while Biden feels…unsafe I guess?
Sure, the ballpark figure is "less than Trump will, and he's *definitely* not gonna stop at restricting care for kids." And Biden's shown he can be pushed by reversing his stance on trans health care in an election period. What goes one way can go back.
You go into the voting booth with the choices you have, and Trump will literally take away everything and kill us and no one will be able to stop him. You vote Biden and then you push him to do better after he wins, you don’t let the guy saying “I will kill you” get elected
We tried to push Biden and now he's also saying 'I will kill you' so
It's not about TOW only, it's about the entire fascist party... Elections aren't a game.. In reality, it's, normally, the choice between "not so good" vs "really bad" We must have the forest in mind, not the 3rd tree om the left Sometimes the bigger good is more important than our pride..