Tim πŸŒ±β˜•οΈπŸ‰πŸβ˜€οΈπŸŒ§

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Tim πŸŒ±β˜•οΈπŸ‰πŸβ˜€οΈπŸŒ§


Husband, father, and dog lover. Keen gardener, follower of rugby union and cricket. Weather enthusiast. Survivor of 3 liver transplants, so immunosuppressed.
East Midlands, UK #FBPE
Watching Starmer's press conference. I am struck by the journos questions about the low percentage of Labour votes. Did anyone question Johnson about his 80+ majority from 43% of the vote?
'Lord' Frost on SkyNews is trying to claim that Farage and Reform is normal Conservatism, not right-wing at all. Delusional idiot!
My constituency, Burton and Uttoxeter has gone from Tory to Labour. πŸ‘πŸŒŸ
What are people's plans for the results of tomorrow's election? I'm thinking that I'll go to bed around 9pm and try to sleep, and I'll get up at 2am Friday morning to watch Ch4's coverage of the results. What will you be doing?
Nigel Fartage on SkyNews saying that the Toties don't tell the truth. Pot calling the kettle black much? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
If you see this post, do it, and join in. Pronouns: He/Him, Oi! Height: 198cm/ 6' 6.5" Shoe Size: 12 or 13, depending on the shoe Zodiac sign: I don't do such bollocks Smoke: Never have Tattoos: none Piercings: none Fave Drink: Coffee I am European, British, and English.
If you see this post, do it! Pronouns: him / arse Height: 5’ 11" Shoe Size: 9 Zodiac Sign: that June one Smoke: No Tattoos: None Piercings: nah . Ouch Fave Drink: red wine . I’m auld .
🌱 #FlowerReport I planted a handful of Anemone St Brigid bulbs in October last year. They flowered first on 15 March, and have been in flower ever since. They bloom red, white, and blue, and here are today's two blue blooms. Also a blue Geranium 'Rozanne'
Oh FFS, Cameron is repeating the bullsit about inflation. It was global factors that drove it up to 11%, nothing to do with government. But only bold action by Sunak got inflation down again. Does anyone actually believe this Tory rubbish?
I assume this is about Trump, but it equally applies to the UK Tory party.
🌱 Here's a few of the blooms from my garden that I snapped between the showers today. A self-seeded Foxglove, Rosa 'Dublin Bay', and Philadelphus 'Manteau d' Hermine'
I don't like what you are suggesting here at all. The ECHR is an essential court for people to appeal to when a government goes too far with oppressive legislation. Until & unless you can invent a 100% foolproof justice system, the death penalty is an abomination. If it's wrong to kill, it's wrong.
It (or more likely a future govt of a different colour) could equally justifiably switch to: Leaving the ECHR and introducing the death penalty Privatising the NHS Expelling all non-citizens from the country After promising not to do it during the election campaign.
Farage whining about a lack of media exposure while a speech by him is being shown live on SkyNews. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ He's a lunatic, isn't he?
If you see this quote post with something purple from your gallery. 🌱
If you see this quote post with something purple from your gallery
Here's a shot of the top of my pergola from an upstairs window sowing blooms of: Rosa 'Vilchenblau' Rosa 'Francis E Lester' Rosa 'Sombreuil'
This is a very scary explanation of the likely future climate for Northern Europe, including the UK. June 2024 is very cool in my bit of Staffordshire, with the avg temp 2.48Β°C below the 2003-2023 June average. It's also 2.1Β°C below the first 12 days of May '23 average temp. πŸ₯Ά
Gillian Keegan is describing a different country to the one that I live in. The Tories have done nothing but good since 2010, apparently. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
I have just listened to the latest podcast by the 2Matts of the New European. I really enjoy this podcast, but I got very angry with one element of today's. The FT is reporting that Sunak wants to give an honour to Eric Schmidt, who has done nothing to benefit this country at all. 1/2
I looked at the SkyNews website, and this is their lead story: eColi outbreak linked to a popular food item. Why won't the UKHSA name the food item? This is surely basic infection control and people could avoid eating it if they have it at home. What the hell is the UKHSA up to?
SkyNews is reporting that the woman who threw milkshake over Farage is to be charged with 'assault by beating and criminal danage'. A sledgehammer to crack a nut. If Farage was a man, he would tell the police to forget it and not push for charges. Can that be done in UK law?
SkyNews debating the result of last night's debate. Ian Dunt pulling no punches and telling it like it is: It was a bloody awful programme, badly setup and poorly adjudicated. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
If you see this, post something orange from your gallery.
If you see this, post something orange from your gallery.
Has anyone else seen the speech by the billionaire PM at the launch of the Tory election bus? Lies Exaggeration Bullshit Guesswork Gaslighting Rubbish More bullshit Does Sunak expect us to believe a word he says?
If you see this post a dog photo from your gallery.πŸ• Jessie's current state: Asleep on the sofa.
If you see this post a dog from your gallery🐢 Bowie, waiting for me to get my shoes πŸ‘Ÿ on 🐾
Paula Vennells is getting a proper grilling in the enquiry right now. Who is the star guy grilling her now? He's pulling no punches!
Please make anyone that you know isn't registered to vote aware of these dates and get them to register. We need as many people to get engaged in politics as we can. Our futures depend on eradicating the Tories on 4th July.
From Politics UK on Twitter: NEW: Key deadlines for the GE on 4 July Register to vote: Tuesday 18 June at 23.59 Applying for a Voter ID: Wednesday 26 June at 17:00 Applying for a postal vote: Wednesday 19 June at 17.00 Applying for a proxy vote: Wednesday 26 June at 17.00
🌱In the last couple of years, I have changed my front garden from all dwarf conifers to some Heathers, spring bulbs, and herbaceous perennials. Here are some photos showing the growth between Feb and today.🌱 This is why I love Spring!
What a great month May is. Spring blooms everywhere. Here are some from my rear garden this morning. 🌱
🌱 May is Allium time! I am captivated by the beauty of Allium nectaroscordum and will be ordering a lot more in the Autumn. The bees love it too.