Tim Carey

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Tim Carey


Twitter and PostNews refugee, looking for a home.

BS Physics, ULowell. MS Engineering, Northeastern University. Retired. Cambridge, MA

Living in a wonderful and beautiful world.
#exPostie #exTwitter
Reposted byAvatar Tim Carey
Why isn't media covering this? TFG fell asleep for extended periods of time on first night of RNC Convention. Time for him to step aside (for this and all the other reasons). #DonaldSnorleone
"This is the man who Mitt Romney says he doesn’t think he could could respect anyone less than." You've gotta vote. Are you fired up? Are you ready to go? www.wonkette.com/p/trump-pick...
Trump Picks Unlikeable Pile Of Human Butthair As Running Mate, Excellent Choice!www.wonkette.com CALLED IT WEEKS AGO.
This is excellent! "The end of the Cold War, [Blinken] said, had promised greater peace and stability, international cooperation, economic trade, political liberalization and human rights... but the era had also, unexpectedly, seen the rise of authoritarianism." open.substack.com/pub/heatherc...
American Conversations: Secretary of State Antony Blinkenopen.substack.com On February 4, 2021, in a speech at the State Department, President Joe Biden talked about the importance of diplomacy and the different actions he had taken in the two weeks since taking office. Then...
Screenshot today from 538... any Democrat can beat Trump. We've got to vote. Any Democrat can beat Trump if we vote. Are you fired up? Are you ready to go?
We've got to vote. Any Democrat can beat Trump if we vote. Are you fired up? Are you ready to go? heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/july-11-2024
"If the Democrats regain the House majority, impeachment of Thomas will almost certainly now be on the table. Indeed, Democrats should run on it." We have a fight coming this fall. Are you fired up? Are you ready to go? open.substack.com/pub/statusku...
Upping the Ante on Thomasopen.substack.com Justice Clarence Thomas is about to go through some things.
Joe Biden Never raped anyone Never said he grabs women by the p*ssy Never incited an insurrection Never said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave & keep his supporters Never ran a fake university Never grifted off a foundation Never obstructed the return of classified documents 1/5
I'm waiting for Biden, like everyone else right now, where is he? "[E]veryone seems to be asking about and talking about Project 2025... Americans should be educated before they vote." We have a fight coming this fall. Are you fired up? Are you ready to go? open.substack.com/pub/joycevan...
The Most Important Things About Project 2025open.substack.com This morning I experienced something we’ve talked about: a friend, a likely voter who is an undecided independent and who had never heard of Project 2025 when it came up in conversation this morning. ...
"David Kurtz observed that 'much of political journalism'...[is]all about a horse race... [with ]complex question... distilled to 'whether it’s good or bad politically.' It's a vote for America as we know it this fall. Are we up to it? heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/july-9-2024
July 9, 2024heathercoxrichardson.substack.com In this morning’s Talking Points Memo, David Kurtz observed that “much of political journalism is divorced from policy and the substance of politics.” It’s all about a horse race, he wrote, while comp...
Here we go, it's a vote for America as we know it this fall. Are we up to it? Or are we giving up? (BTW, everybody loves JoJoFromJerz!) jojofromjerz.substack.com/p/there-is-t...
There is too much on the line right now.jojofromjerz.substack.com We have to fight until the end.
"[T]he G.O.P. released its platform... in 20, all-caps bullet points... it’s pretty shrewd... with... the repetition of simple, seductive points, whether they square with the truth or not.". Courtesy Julia Ioffe, Puck Here we go, it's a vote for America as we know it this fall. Are we up to it?
Reposted byAvatar Tim Carey
"So this piece goes up on the Times website, and in about five minutes the Internet checks the voter file for the state of Michigan and lo and fucking behold, Walther does indeed vote, and has in the last two national elections..." www.wonkette.com/p/conservati...
Conservative New York Times Choad Proud To Not Vote, Please Don't Notice All The Times He Votedwww.wonkette.com Maybe the piece should have just been titled 'I Don't Want Liberals to Vote.'
"It took just eight years for a game show host... to expose our entire political order as rotten and decayed... that the impeachment mechanism was a dead letter and... the Supreme Court to declare that the president was... above the law." www.thebulwark.com/p/the-trump-...
The Trump-SCOTUS Doom Loopwww.thebulwark.com Orbánism is already here.