
Happy Monday! This week and next i'm going to be a bit busy as I prepare for my summer slow down, including a week off in July. I'd still love to hear about how your writing is going! Did you just write an exciting scene? Are you puzzling through an element of your world? Let's talk about it! 👇🏻
Returning to a story I started writing 2 years ago. Re-reading and editing along the way. Hoping to not lose motivation by the time I get to where I left off so that I can finally write the ending. All for a book nobody will ever read except me. 😅
I understand that feeling of trying to not lose motivation—it can be hard! Do you say it won't be read by anyone else because you don't think it will get picked up or because you don't intend to put it out there (it's just for you)?
I don’t intend to put it out there. It’s currently at 200,334 words…like a NaNoWriMo gone wild. If I were to publish, I’d have to cut most of it just for length alone, rework the entire structure, change some plot points, and rename a couple characters loosely based on real people.
That makes sense. I asked because I really love the idea that you're working on something for yourself—I think it's easy for us to lose sight of what we like about creating. And you've done a LOT of creating! :)
Yeah, I had the idea for a sci-fi story that I couldn’t shake…so I just started writing to see where it went. Have enjoyed the fun adventure these characters have had and think I know how it ends, so I’ll looking forward to accomplishing that.