
NEWSFLASH: After 14 years in power, the U.K.’s Conservative government is on track for its worst-ever election result. It is now projected to be replaced by the Labour party, led by Keir Starmer — exit polls suggest that Starmer’s party will wield a massive majority:
Amidst anxiety around declining international support for Ukraine, and the replacement of the U.K.’s Conservative government, Ukraine supporters couldn’t be blamed for wanting to know how a Labour victory could affect the country’s foreign policy.
The United Kingdom has been a leader in rallying world support for Ukraine – and we expect that to stay the same under a Labour government.
Although elected as a Labour Party leader under a non-interventionist platform, the invasion of Ukraine has seen a seismic shift in British politics – so much so that there is near-unanimity across the parties in the appropriateness of backing Ukraine.
At the start of the full-scale invasion Boris Johnson, then the U.K.’s Prime Minister, was spiraling amid numerous scandals and criticism over his handling of the Covid pandemic.
But in Ukraine Johnson became a hero: By the time Boris Johnson resigned early from office on July 7th, 2022 the U.K. was the largest supporter of Ukraine after the U.S and had provided £3.8 billion to Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Keir Starmer was elected as Labour Party leader on a manifesto which sought to essentially restrict military action abroad:
However, since the war in Ukraine, his policies have shifted.
In June, Starmer vowed to make the U.K. 's military “fit to fight” and said they were “absolutely committed to spending 2.5 percent of GDP on defense as soon as possible.” He has also pledged to continue providing £3 billion a year in aid to Ukraine.