Timothy Noah

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Timothy Noah


Staff writer at the New Republic (third tour), former Politico, former Slate, former Wall Street Journal, former Newsweek, former Washington Monthly, former US News and World Report, plus some other places. (I get around.)
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A thread on Project 2025 and work law... 1. Project 2025 calls for religious employers to be allowed to discriminate on any basis, including sex or race.
It’s been a lousy week, but enough bedwetting. Democrats, Matthew Desmond writes, are “fluent in the language of grievance and bumbling in the language of repair.” Here, from April, is my repair blueprint. Democrats, you have four months. Use them wisely. newrepublic.com/article/1804...
Yes, Joe Biden Can Win the Working-Class Votenewrepublic.com Since 2020, Joe Biden’s support among working-class voters of all races has fallen alarmingly. Here are seven ways he and his party can reverse the slide.
My latest: Corporations may look powerful, but in reality they’ve been reduced to playing ATM to hedge funds, mutual funds, and pension funds. Doing everything they hate—unionizing them, raising corporate taxes, banning stock buybacks—might coax them back to life. newrepublic.com/article/1831...
Trump’s 2017 Tax Cut Created a Huge Stock-Buyback Spreenewrepublic.com You probably think that shows corporations are too powerful. I think this shows corporations are enslaved by Wall Street, and should be set free.
Eighteen years ago I explained (in Slate) how summer camp reveals the essence of individual human character. Right now it’s really hot outside, so I figure it’s about time to re-post. Read it and weep. slate.com/news-and-pol...
You Are How You Campedslate.com If there's a more reliable Rorschach than sleep-away camp, I'd like to see it. How you responded to being shipped off (often at an appallingly tender...
Another satisfied customer.
Mitt Romney gripes that the bottom 47 percent don’t pay taxes and loses an election. Trump just proposed hitting this group (now 40 percent) with a 70 percent across the board tariff, returning America to the 19th century, and … crickets. My latest: newrepublic.com/article/1827...
Replacing Taxes With Tariffs Would Take Us Back to the 1800snewrepublic.com Trump a populist? Populism came about to lower tariffs!
While we await a Supreme Court ruling on Chevron deference read my Liberties Journal essay tracing the history of regulation (older than you think), the late-1940s popularization of the phrase “administrative state” to wage quixotic war against empiricism, etc. libertiesjournal.com/articles/a-p...
A Prayer for the Administrative State - Libertieslibertiesjournal.com In February 2017, Steve Bannon, then senior counselor and chief strategist to President Donald Trump, pledged to a gathering of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC; initiates pronounce ...
If the problem with our economy is inflation, why are corporate leaders sucking up to the more inflationist candidate? Not to mention an insurrectionist and convicted felon who has also (yawn) been found by a jury to be guilty of sexual abuse. My latest. newrepublic.com/article/1826...
10 Questions That Chief Execs Should be Asking Trumpnewrepublic.com Top of the list: How do we keep a straight face when you pretend to be an inflation hawk?
In Backbencher, Tom Ricks on what’s wrong with bucket lists. Subscribe to Backbencher today—it’s free, for cryin’ out loud. timothynoah.substack.com/p/ban-the-bu...
Ban the Bucket Listtimothynoah.substack.com Don't anticipate your own death. Try to prevent civilization's.
If Congress truly shut down congressional insider trading a dozen years ago, why are there two index funds pegged to trades by members of Congress? My latest: newrepublic.com/article/1822...
How to Get Rich in Congressnewrepublic.com A straight-up pay raise might reduce members’ temptation to trade on inside information or pad their expense accounts.