Timothy Snyder

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Timothy Snyder


Levin Professor of History at Yale. Author of "On Freedom," "On Tyranny," with 20 new lessons on Ukraine, "Our Malady," "Road to Unfreedom," "Black Earth," and "Bloodlands"
"Usually, vice-presidential candidates are selected for virtues... Donald Trump is searching, quite literally, for vice." open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p...
Felon Seeks Viceopen.substack.com Trump’s VP Search and the Politics of Impotence
"Nazi legal theorists argued that politics was a matter of defining the enemy and choosing a side. The rule of law was to yield to a special sort unrule, in which the chieftain defined politics by choosing an enemy to be blamed for his own crimes." open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p...
The Shamans and the Chieftainopen.substack.com Modern revenge culture, explained by Mrs. and Mr. Alito
My foreword to @juliadavisnews.bsky.social's new book on Russian television propagandists, "In Their Own Words," which I heartily recommend to you. open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p...
In Their Own Wordsopen.substack.com Russian propagandists' hopes for America
Whenever Russia conquers territory in Ukraine, it murders civic leaders and other civilians, sets up torture chambers, and deports children for assimilation in Russia. Ukrainians resist because defeat or surrender means Russian genocidal policy on the scale of their entire country.
1/11.  The people who told you that fascism was not a threat were wrong.
Political warfare from outside works only when it runs through us and takes advantage of our mistakes. I was proud to be able to testify on disinformation to the House Oversight Committee yesterday. My brief introduction is at 52:40. www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoQZ...
Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare, Part Iwww.youtube.com Learn more at https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/
Of course Ukraine can win this war. Politicians of impotence like JD Vance want to make Ukraine lose, because they want to show that no one can really do anything and that nothing really matters. See my article on weak man politics. snyder.substack.com/p/beware-the...
Beware the Weak Mansnyder.substack.com Thoughts from the Munich Security Conference
1/6. So far Russian propaganda has always been right about Mike Johnson – correct predictions every time that he would block Ukraine aid.
1/6. I don't think Ukraine aid is going to pass without a discharge petition that allows a simple vote.
1/4. Serhyi Zhadan, one of the world's most remarkable creators of culture, should be holding a Nobel diploma, not a rifle.
We have just seen several European journalistic and counter-intelligence investigations revealing Russian networks and politicians funded by Russia. 1/2
Sending out "The Apocalypse We Choose" again, three long weeks later, as our inaction kills civilians and soldiers in Kharkiv and throughout Ukraine. open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p...
The apocalypse we chooseopen.substack.com Mike Johnson's record as Speaker of the House
#OnFreedom, my new book, to be published September 17th
1/3. This past Friday, 22 March, a horrifying terrorist attack took place in Crocus City Hall in Moscow. Islamic State plausibly claimed responsibility. Then Russian propaganda began to spin the story in the direction preferred by the Kremlin. open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p...
Moscow Terror (2)open.substack.com The claim and the blame
1/7. US warns that Russia will invade Ukraine. General disbelief, daily Russian mockery. (December 3, 2021-February 24, 2022)
The Kremlin has been supporting Trump for years. One form of Russia's support has been to concoct a story about the Bidens in Ukraine. That story is false. Americans who knowingly peddle it take part in a Russian operation. See "Road To Unfreedom"
My new book "On Freedom" will be published 19 September in the UK, 17 September in the US www.penguin.co.uk/books/460254...
House Republicans who block aid to Ukraine also follow a completely false Russian script in a baseless impeachment proceeding.
At a rally Trump promised a "bloodbath for the country" if he's not elected president. Then followed the predictable bout of (self-)deception, claiming Trump's bloodbath was out of context. So let's put Trump in context. In context, he is worse. open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p...
The Bloodbath Candidateopen.substack.com In Context, Trump is Worse
My new book "On Freedom" will be published September 17th. timothysnyder.org/on-freedom
Paul Manafort does not stand out among Trump’s advisors as a convicted criminal. So many are. He does stand out for his experience in working directly for the Kremlin, managing clients of the Kremlin, and getting into debt to a Russian oligarch and trying to pay it back in political favors.