Tina Fawcett

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Tina Fawcett


Senior Researcher, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Interested in energy demand, energy policy, climate hope & a just transition.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
Paywalled so I’ve only read a snapshot. But this is reminiscent of the power usage of bitcoin, etc. All these new toys are energy hungry at a time when we should be doing less intensive energy. At some point, affluent types have to stop thinking of ways to use everything as quick as possible.
“Ability to find power right now will determine the winners and losers in the AI arms race. It has left us with a map bleeding with places where the retirement of fossil plants are being delayed.”
AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle solution.www.washingtonpost.com Some data centers need as much energy as a small city, turning companies that promised a clean energy future into some of the most insatiable guzzlers of power
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
“When people confess their green sins as if I were some eco-nun, I want to tell them they’re carrying the guilt of the oil + gas industry’s crimes. That the weight of our sickly planet is too much for any person to bear. And that that blame paves the road to apathy, which can really seal our doom.”
“I work in the environmental movement. I don’t care if you recycle.”www.vox.com Stop obsessing over your environmental “sins.” Fight the oil and gas industry instead.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
Please pass this on to any teachers you know: The excellent UCL Centre for Climate Change Education is about to launch two new CPD online modules in English and Mathematics, to add to the Geography & History ones. Links to sign up for taster events here: tinyurl.com/mrf2445b tinyurl.com/4yah5ya2
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
Do heat pumps work at freezing temperatures? Yes they do. Part 2 in Guardian heat pump mythbuster series citing our field data research on heat pump efficiency during cold weather. www.theguardian.com/business/art...
Do heat pumps work at freezing temperatures?www.theguardian.com Critics claim that the technology is not up to the job – we examine whether the facts bear this out
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
Turns out that burning fossil fuels and then trying to grab carbon out of the air like a gameshow contestant inside a wind tube fill with money is more expensive than just figuring out a way to not burn fossil fuels at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! archive.ph/ckkwN
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
Reposted byAvatar Tina Fawcett
This is an absolutely brutal assessment of UK climate policy progress from the official body the OEP 🟥Progress is "limited" 🟥Prospects of meeting targets "largely not on track" 🔊"emissions reduction rates must quadruple within eight years to meet targets" www.theoep.org.uk/report/gover...
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