
First plum torte of the season.
Gorgeous! Here’s mine 🍜🍽️
That is one of the best recipes of all time. Yours looks beautiful!
What recipe did you use? I just did one, using the old NYT many-years-repeated one, but I found it a bit –– dull?
That's the one I use, though I add quite a bit of lemon zest to the batter.
Hmmmm. Yours looked much nicer than mine. I think I’m sulking.
One thing I've learned is to make it in the biggest springform pan I have, which means the batter is spread thinly and the plum juices seep out and soak everything.
Oh, what a good tip, thank you. I made it in a loaf pan, so it's a lot of cake to a thin layer of fruit: yours sounds much better.
If you try it, know that as you are assembling it, you're going to think, this is not nearly enough batter. It really gets spread thinly — under an inch — but it's an eggy dough that puffs up a lot as it bakes. Press the plums in firmly, skin side up, so that they're touching the bottom of the pan.