
As of yesterday, they charged $7 to listen to the podcast without ads on their proprietary app that you had to download to listen, and they got linkbacks from a bunch of huge sites, which advertisers like to see.
I truly can't figure out why this isn't the biggest red flag for folks. Especially when the written content and the content of the actual podcast (at least as far as I've heard reported now from various sources) contradicts itself.
Interesting, so to be clear do you believe they made this up for money?
I think it's worth questioning their motives in publishing this story. Why did these women go to *this* outlet with the story, and not a better known or more reputable one?
Did THEY actually go to this outlet? Or did the podcasters catch wind of it and pursue the accusers? If you google Gaiman, literally every single news source that has picked this up just summarizes and points back to the Tortoise. No other independent reporting? WHY?
Guys, the podcast is available on Spotify/Apple Podcasts, and as infuriating as it is that Tortoise funnels you into their fucking podcast instead of providing the information clearly via text, you should listen to the nanny's first-hand account before being like "TERFs be lying."
Oh interesting, most people in this have been very careful to just blame the journalists but now you're taking the stance that these women are actively making up their stories, including the nanny who gave a first hand account of being assaulted?
That is absolutely not what I said. I said this I don't know what the credibility/reputation of this media outlet is, and that they would seem to gain financially from this very sensational, exclusive story. So it's worth fact checking their work.
There's a strong tendency for a story like this to get believed uncritically and over all maybe that's a good but any denial boosts the original. It's only worth it for someone of Neil's stature if it's a credible accusation and this, so far., isnt
I feel I should add that I believe this to be true on social media, as opposed to in court. Would that it were the opposite
I've read the transcript of episode and I'm struggling to find a reasonable definition of consent that the events outlined don't meet, and also more puzzled at all the incessant "we understand that.. " waffling business attributed to Neil without making a single statement about a thing he said
I don't think explaining how the attention economy works to an 'activist' on this website is necessary.