
Not only will it hurt the ever-growing long-term unemployed and underemployed who can’t afford rising rents, But this will also disproportionately hurt DV and child abuse survivors. People WILL die because of this complete cruelty.
Pay attention to how reproductive rights have been stripped, and how no-fault divorce is the next target. Criminalizing sleeping in your car, in a tent, or the street *will* cause people to stay in abusive relationships and risk their lives. ALL of this is interlinked.
Not just keeping people in abusive relationships, although that is on the HUGE list of dominance patterns they are enabling. It's also about empowering slumlords. It doesn't matter if the apartment is worse than the street if you'll be arrested on the street.
Then there are the "Christian" right evangelicals that run the homeless shelter and force religion on people who live there.
I guess you could call both of these things abusive relationships as well, come to think of it.
the ever-more-encroaching ethos of valuing property more than people/treating human beings as a problem to solve💔🤬