
Last night had cpl dinner company & the guys got wondered how domesticated animals survived inbreeding to become a new breed. Not once did the two men look up and say,”Toby is a geneticist, what does she say?” Then we went outside & the two guys sat down in the only two chair. Kings, not spouses. 1/
Of course my girlfriend helped me bring 2 more chairs around. The dudes didn’t even blink. When did my spouse become so rude? I made a delicious dinner. Could they at least pull up a few chairs and also give me some brain cred? Argh
I had a similar situation with my husband, decades ago. I spoke up, because it felt verbally abusive, and I was the most qualified out of two men, and two women. I actually asked my husband to get more chairs. He never acted that way, again. I stuck up for myself, to stop future, similar issues.
If 30& I would’ve. He was well trained& also required respect&manners as a good ex for our kids.Now, a mindless slip up.If I brought it up idk if he’d be defensive/embarrassed (both). Once my spouse thought it was funny to say, “she is the beauty & I am the brains.”Never entirely forgiven.So pissed!
I am now 80, and was 40 at the time. I felt the need to stop him in his tracks. 😂 I would be pissed too, if he said that. 🤗
Thanks. I love my spouse but I swear, brilliant and loving as he is, he requires constant training. Haha Then there was the “you even look pregnant from the back” comment that nearly got him killed 34 yrs ago
If my husband had ever said that to me, I would have told him that he looked that way too, even though he wasn’t heavy.