
Is there a way to ban “artists” from appearing in a Spotify playlist? I don’t ever need to hear another Creed song. My life would be marginally better without Nickelback in it. Any way to purge “artists” like them from the algorithm?
I think there is a way to do it on your phone, go to the Creed page, click the menu dots and an option like that will come up. But I deleted Spotify from my phone and can't check it!
I went to the Creed page (ugh, now the algorithm will think I like them) and the only options I see are to follow the band (barf), start playing Creed radio (absolutely not) or report them. Maybe I should report them to Spotify central command as a sucky band that I don’t want to listen to?
Sorry that didn't work! I managed to mostly remove an artist from my feed on another app by zealously disliking their songs when they came up, but that takes time may not work
Pandora had a Dislike button that I used A Lot
Okay, I reinstalled on my phone and on the Creed page, I clicked the 3 buttons next to "Follow" and got this menu, not sure why you wouldn't!
Haha, I am saved! That option only exists on the app, not the website. Anyway, they, and a few others, are now banned.