Ten years from now "How did it all happen?" "With the stroke of a pen."
I honestly didn't think any candidate would try and pull a Bob Roberts but with this fucking election who the fuck knows.
Thomas took an undisclosed trip to RUSSIA in 2004(?) and Russia hosted a bunch of Republican senators on a 4th of July visit. Russia has compromised our three branches of government.
There are laws that exist to enslave and to set free. Screw the far right. Screw the right that literally wants to take rights away from some people. And to hell with anyone who just stands aside and watches.
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
Yeah things suck. Yes it's Monday. But it's also Steve Bannon Goes To Prison Day. So there's that. Maybe it's time for the Arc Dream team to start thinking about Wild Talents 3rd edition?
Just fucking change the name to the Corporate States of America and get it over with.
People storm the Capital and try to lynch Congress. SCOTUS: nah, it's cool. We are so fucked as a country
Chevron Doctrine is overruled One more step on the Cyberpunk timeline
One more step on the Cyberpunk timeline that we are marching ever closer to fully legal mil spec weapons for everyone Hey John. A person just got killed over a catalytic converter theft and the only reason we've heard about it is because he was a former soap actor. How many more like this have happened and we just haven't heard about it? Are the thieves this desperate to make a score?
Here's an idea: Let TX seceed. Combine North and South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia. Make DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam states. We won't even have to change the flag. And maybe we get a better country out of it.
I woke up this morning and chose apathy.
If Jesus really did come back now, Repugs would be leading the charge to crucify him.
Well I see we are reaching the point in the global climate apocalypse that ultra rich people are going to start throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at sci Fi movie solutions instead of just stopping what we are doing that caused the problem I was wondering when It's Only Magic was going to hit and behold! Preorders open! Can't wait to eat it up!
Rest in Glory Bernard Hill Weird idea: Cypher System Core +Rust and Redemption +It's Only Magic +Neon Rain =Cypher Rifts
He's gonna demand a mistrial for falling asleep isn't he
Who knew pissing off every single country surrounding you would have negative consequences?
What's the odds he fires the entire legal team Monday at 8am?
There is a new official Talislanta out and I want a print edition so bad
Becoming what you hate will never defeat it
Just a periodic reminder that nature does not give a shit about you or any other person on this planet Live accordingly
At what point do we say "enough" and have it actually make something change?
No Labels just bowed out of putting up a candidate First thought: who paid them off?
The best trick Elmo ever pulled was convincing everyone he's Tony Stark when in reality he's Justin Hammers slightly dumber cousin
For decades authors and scientists and writers have warned us all about the potential of AI to decide the fate of humanity is extermination and we have dozens of companies spending billions of dollars to realize AI for money
Well the great Capitalist Gods have accepted their one sacrificial white guy for the year All other rich white males are now safe from selection The Great Looting may now continue unabated