
i've never skeeted about the potato plan, only tweeted, so here we go! the potato plan is MECFS community's highest recommendation for when you're recovering from covid. it's your best bet against getting long covid and/or M.E. 🧵
the core of the potato plan is simple: dial down your exertion as far as you can. no, i mean it -- as far as you POSSIBLY can. exertion axes are physical, cognitive, and emotional. they all count.
it's a rare person who can dial down all three axes of exertion very low. we're caretaking, bringing home the bacon, supporting others, doing activism. playing. living. but: this may be your best chance to not get LC and/or M.E. and it's a rare person who can't dial down exertion down at all.
most people can dial down their exertion more than they think they can, for six weeks, if they know it's crucial. we're guessing at six weeks. it's the best guess we have for the present.
the most obvious challenges are the logistics and the shifting of habits. stop doing ANYTHING you can afford to stop.
there's a subtle challenge that may be even harder. outside of this context, it's wise and prudent to take an approach of "well, i'll see how i feel. if i feel up to it, i'll take a short walk." that's not the potato plan. you need to PRE-DECIDE not to go for that walk. NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL.
a lot of people panic about becoming deconditioned. but if you don't end up with LC and/or M.E., that bit of deconditioning doesn't matter -- because you can build back up! your body will be ABLE to do that!