
Sure, coffee is great, but have you ever walked into your kitchen and caught a slight movement out of the corner of your eye and realized that your whole countertop compost bucket is crawling with larvae?
Let me tell you about the time I had some garbage bags in an empty garage in the summertime no, I will spare you
No no I want to know — how long did they remain? Did they explode? WHAT CREATURES EMERGED
a river of writhing larvae that stretched the length of the garage wall. (We were moving into the place, I don't remember why we were storing garbage in the garage but there was some reason that seemed like a good idea at the time.)
"A river of writhing larvae" is some visceral imagery, sir. WELL DONE. And also holy shit how did you deal with it?
ha, thanks. I believe I used some wasp spray I had around, or something like that, to kill them all. Something I could shoot at a distance. And then cleaned up while trying not to be sick. The human body responds viscerally to those things.
That is spectacularly nasty. Glad you made it and the LARVAL RAPIDS did not claim you.
I just skimmed by this and assumed Larval Rapids was the name of your next book.
well it's not the name of the next book but the next NEXT book, who can say
I can almost hear the worms turning.