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I used to only blog about vampires. Now I blog about vampires and less important things too.
Still looking for an expert on Gottfried August Bürger’s life. Do you know someone? Send them my way.
Happy Halloween! Here is the first new Toothpickings video in a minute-- but it's really just a trailer for the bigger reveal down the road!
Her: What vampire movie would still be cool af even if you remove the vamp— Me: El Conde
Reposted byAvatar Toothpickings
Happy Friday 13th! This was the date on which Henry Irving died in Bradford in 1905, and like this year's 13 October, it too was a Friday. Definitely unlucky for him - and Bram Stoker, who found himself out of a job as a result.
When you spend an hour looking for a free pdf of a book online then realize it was on your bookshelf this whole time 🤦‍♂️
On the one hand, Monster Squad has a lot of slurs. On the other hand, it has Transylvanian armadillos, like it’s 1931 predecessor
Spotted: a shirtless Frog Brother
To myself, I pronounce it “bloo-ski”
I haven’t blogged as much lately, but it’s still a delight when I get a nice comment like this. The blog in question:
For an out of body experience that’s cheaper than LCD, just thread your belt the opposite direction you always do
In a space of 12 hours I was asked to define “Byronic”, explain whether porphyria caused vampirism, and when the sun started affecting vampires. Folks, I may have nerdgasmed a little too hard in my answers today and need the rest of the weekend off.
I’ve been slowly working up a presentation on Vampira to give at conferences. Last week I found (one of her) childhood home(s). Lost my nerve and didn’t break in.
A first American printing of Dracula
Reskeet with something you own that most people don't. I own my own pizza delivery bag. It's wonderful for getting takeout or bringing kugel or mac and cheese to a potluck. I love being able to keep my food hot and pizza places always seem to think it's cool that I have it.
Saw Last Voyage Of The Demeter last night— it was better than all you snobs prepared me for, I applaud your bar-setting! Also, was the name Dracula ever uttered? My buddy thought he heard it once but I missed it.
Happy Blacula Theatrical Release Day! Throwback to earlier this year with director William Crain and our friend Quiana
Marv Wolfman returns to author another Blade 50 years after inventing the character? Yes please
The problem with hyperfocusing on Vampira is that so much of her story is unreliable. With anyone else that would make me rage quit but with Maila it somehow makes the story more intriguing.
Hang on I gotta go kick my hs guidance counselor in the ribs for not telling me I could have been a falconer
If you’re going to follow me, get used to bad photoshops. This is my own “Bane As Vampire Hunter” from 2020.
End of feed.