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I like stuff. Videogames. Football. Beers. Greensboro, NC
I feel like this year’s Prime Day is much better than recent ones, but I have no desire to actually buy anything.
There’s a post-event dinner/cocktails thing tonight at 7p. I’ve been drinking with my wife since 4:30 and now I’m a) buzzed b) not really wanting to go drink for free with people I barely know. Note: I could never work in sales. My liver ain’t built like that anymore.
In the past two days, I will have completed 18 vendor meetings, plus 5 separate vendor meals. I have no more words to share with people. I just want to sit on the porch, eat boiled peanuts, and drink a beer.
Shoutout to the Mighty Mendit people. Still running Billy Mays commercials in 2024. Sure, he's been dead for 15 years, when you find a good spokesman, you don't let that go.
Logistics are dumb. I ordered some pants, 1 day delivery. Great. Since we’re traveling tomorrow, I opted to have them shipped to my parents. Apparently since my parents don’t have an AMZ distro hub, the pants wouldn’t arrive until Tuesday. (1/2)
In the firstest of first world problems, I get to spend 3 days at a resort for work next week and I’m not jazzed about going b/c it’s wall-to-wall meetings and being wined and dined. Half-vent, half-whine, but man do I not care for work travel. After 4 trips last year and 1 this year, I’m spent.
Reposted byAvatar Terence
Bc if every place you go you’re hated you might as well stay with the hate you’re familiar with
Oh, it is a Nazi bar, but the question white people here need to ask themselves is: why do Black people keep going to the nazi bar?
Same and dang if I don't have anything in particular I want to buy. I may just cash in on a Nintendo points card or something...
Best Buy, still reeling from the fact that I stopped shopping there entirely once they eliminated their video game rewards and gutted their points program, has sent me another free $10 coupon.
I’m Nintendo first, but I’ve owned every PlayStation except the PS5. Why don’t I own a PS5? Because there’s not 3 *true exclusives* that I’d willingly pay full price for on the system. Ratchet and Clank. Spider-Man 2. Still waiting on that third…
Sony blew the conceit of console generations by allowing cross-gen in the first place. They willingly put themselves in the Atari 5200 position. Make a buck now and fuck the future, because why innovate when we can play to the lowest common denominator, a console from 2013? Purposeful stagnation
Ms. Pac’s heels… She’s workin’ ‘em 👠
Bluesky sadly still doesn't have polling functionality, so over on Twitter I recently conducted a very strange poll. I asked different groups who they considered to be more "sexy" in their classic cabinet art depiction: Ms. Pac-Man, or rival Lady Bug?
“1901” from Phoenix
you're in hell. the second worst song ever made, on loop forever, is your punishment. what song is it?
I missed a lot of the GBC-GBA-DS era due to high school and college. It’s a sizable Nintendo blind spot for me. That said, I’m just now spending time with Super Mario 64 DS and I think I like it better than the original (which I generally have low regard for). It’s pretty fun!
I watched a segment of “My 600 lb Life” with my kids (5 & 3) in the room and now they are obsessed - both maliciously and fearfully- with “the big lady.” Whoops. Time to reprogram and reparent.
Hot take: The #MITB post-show has been more entertaining than the final hour of the main broadcast. 🤼
The vibe of this #MITB main event is very much “High Production House Show.”
Based on how this #MITB started, I really should have went with Hangman-White for my main event, but the TNT app is ass. #AEW 🤼
Is there a wresting contingent here on the skyline? Between #Collision and #MITB, should be a good time to find some degenerates. #AEW #WWE
Picked up a DMG Game Boy on eBay for $50 and I feel like I found a steal. The unit itself is super clean, the screen cover doesn’t have any scratches, and everything just feels great. Very happy with this pickup. #Nintendo
Things I don’t want to do: work out Thing I know I need to do: work out Thing I’m going to do: work out
Sitting here hanging out like I don’t have to work tomorrow. WFH workers are about to set a record of “unproductivity” that won’t be met for decades.
TRENDING: You can learn a lot about a person based on who their favourite muppet is
TRENDING: You can learn a lot about a person based on who their favourite muppet is (Sadly, I’m not as charming or adorable. Just as annoying, though.)
Bert And Ernie Happy GIFtenor.com Posted from Graysky - get the app to view and post GIFs!
Amused-slash-confused by people who put up OOO messages for widely observed holidays. If you’re taking extra time, sure. I get it. But if you’re out for the 4th because everyone is closed, the auto-reply isn’t necessary.
Love her to death, but this applies to my 3 year old as well 😅
Random thought: It’s either the best or worst time to be a 14 yo boy. You can’t open the Internet these days with tripping over a pair of tits. I’m sure that’s doing wonders for their social and emotional development. (Especially with all of the lame ass redpill dudes skewing their algorithms.)
Took the family out for July 4th activities yesterday and I’m gonna need more cities to lean into having July 3rd options. It’s such a live saver for young families. “Here’s your ice cream and games and fireworks, now sleep in and hang out tomorrow.” Highly recommend.
Reposted byAvatar Terence
You're entitled to your despair. But understand that when you catastrophize on social media, you risk spreading learned helplessness. Which is exactly what fascists want, for people to lie down and cry.
I’m optimistic. Being the sole supplier, I think they get what’s on the line here. Personally, I’m excited about the expanded authentic line they’re rumored to be making. Lots of potential there. #NHL
My streak of only calling in black/brown people to work on our house came to an end today. My third lawn guy just became unreliable, so I hired on the guy two of my neighbors use. If nothing else, I know the lawn will get mowed every two weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Terence
south of the border, dillon, south carolina, 1986