
We got our Dokomi booth numbers! I’ll be in hall 3, M59, sharing with the fantastic! We’re at the very end of the hall, so if you just hug the wall you should find us! Please come say hi <3 I’ll bring prints and art zines!
Unrelated but I want to apologise for the lack of art; it will happen again. I’ve been busy with commission work all year, will still be all summer, and I’m spending my free time with scripting my comic.
I plain and simply don’t have the time and leisure to ALSO produce random finished art just to post on social media on the side. Thank you to everyone who’s sticking with me, I’m working really hard and I hope you’ll still be here to see the fruits of my labour when they’re ripe <3
If you’d like to support me in the future or simply would like to access months worth of archive posts showing you what I’m up to, I have a pay-what-you-want type Patre*n that you can check out if you like. You can also just follow for free. Thank you <3
Get more from Franziska Wenzel on creating art with colours and birds in it