
Our awesome Inland Empire team moved into a new building. It’s very nice, but the bathroom stalls have a cell phone holder with a liability waiver and I confess I can’t decide whether to be horrified or intrigued.
Urinal signs are indicative of some really wild behavior.
Now, if I were to peruse this fine establishment, I would take one look at the manufacturer brand and then spend the rest of my session going 🎶I guess it rains down in Aaaafrica 🎶
And now I'll spend the rest of the evening clicking like on all the other people who thought that same thing.
Happens every time I run into this brand in the WC. Or Rosaaaannnnaaaa
I'm relieved we don't get that brand here. My voice is an OK bathroom baryton, but an even better kamikaze tenor and this would have . . . an impact on my reputation.