
“Oklahoma Charter School Board approved a new charter school run by Catholic Church. It would hardly be the first charter school to be run by a religious org, but it *would* be the first such school to openly teach church doctrine while funded by taxpayer dollars.”
The Battle Over Church and State Could Take Down the Charter School The Supreme Court’s rightward tilt has the Christian right dreaming of upending public education. But it could come at the expense of conservatives’ big ideas.
“The move is clearly illegal and unconstitutional in Oklahoma, and the state attorney general has sued to prevent it, supported by national groups such as the American Civil Liberty Union.”
“But conservatives such as Stelle Garnett of University of Notre Dame Law School hope to force the issue, taking advantage of today’s conservative Supreme Court majority to throw out state laws and change state constitutions and, in so doing, create new possibilities for religious public schools.”
UPDATE: “This Oklahoma [bibles in schools] directive could also be challenged and is likely to provoke the latest tangle over the role of religion in public schools, an issue that has increasingly taken on national prominence.”