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Hey I’m Josh, a 23y/o femboy (He/him), obsessed with painting and other nerd things. I hope you enjoy your stay!
#warhammer #painting #artist #femboy
#warhammercommunty It’s been a little while since I’ve shown off my tau army progress, it never seems to end😅 But since it’s #wipwednesday here it is, the mostly finished suits! #warhammer40k
It’s #miniaturemonday and the death guard is here just as the end approaches, 2 more legions left to go! #warhammercommunity
Today is probably the worst day to be working in a pub kitchen, I’m bracing for absolute hell this evening, wish me luck 🫡
Good news! Skaventide has arrived on time 😁 Bad news, I can’t start even building up the models for another few weeks till my new room is finished😔 Better news?When it is all sorted I’m gonna stream painting all of the rats and let chat pick names for them that I can write on each to their bases☺️
Whoops I woke up early to make this post then forgot😅 #warhammercommunity it’s #miniaturemonday again already somehow and I bring to you, the raven guard! (I was running out of normal marines so this is the first cataphracti, all those edges made it a lot fun to paint up)
Tau update: they’re getting there (slowly) ~should have something to show of it sometime this coming week, I regret batch painting this entire army
It’s the turn of the space wolves this week for #MiniatureMonday. I don’t think I realised until now how much I enjoy the 30k space wolf scheme, a lot of fun to paint something grey idk 😅 #legionsimperialis #warhammercommunity
Finally finished the Elden ring dlc including those side bosses. What an amazing time, though that final boss rolled me for so long, it felt so good to finally succeed. Now I just need bloodborne on pc smh
#skaventide preorder secured! I’m so excited for the ratpocalypse. Now I just gotta try get these tau army finished in the next 2 weeks 😬 I’m going to get all the rats built up but save the painting of them for when I’m finally back to streaming (so soon I promise)
This new starter pack thing is pretty neat. I’ll try make one at the weekend for chill #Warhammer folks I know c: So keep an eye out for that, we all lift together
#warhammercommunity #WipWednesday It’s been way too warm to get much painting done. However! I have managed to get the main colours down on Knight arcanum mordern Tzane. (I think I might just call him ‘big T’) He’s been a chance to flesh out a Roman legionnaire inspire scheme ready for skaventide🐀
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We are very nearly done, just need to get the bases all done up and some last minute detail work and I can call this a successful eBay rescue! #Ultramarines #Warhammer40K
Oh no he’s opened the Pandora’s box of #gooners and he doesn’t even realise the debauchery ahead. Pray for Corbyn in these troubling times smh 🙏
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#Ad And here's how the Clawlord on Gnaw-beast was painted. Truly considering doing a whole army just in these colours. This feels weird. Miniature provided by Games Workshop. #AdWIP #NewAOS #WarhammerCommunity
#Ad With Skaventide on the horizon, the rats need a fancy leader. So here’s a Skaven Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (sent my way by Games Workshop) painted with Contrast and highlights in the colours of my fave clan, Clan Vrrtkin. Came out pretty good, I think. #AdWIP #NewAOS #WarhammerCommunity
Welp I’m not sure im gonna get much painting done this week. This heatwave got me 0 energy and anytime I try to paint the humidity is making a mess ;-;
#warhammercommunity it’s #MiniatureMonday so it’s time for another legion. The battered and weathered white scars are out this time! Thats 13 legions down, just 5 left to go!
Your regularly scheduled Tau posting will soon return (just in time for it to become regularly scheduled Skaven posting)☺️
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What better time than pride month to finally paint the centerpiece of my pride theme Sisters of Battle series, Celestine the living saint! Quite a tricky mini to paint with how fiddly she is, but her wings are the perfect canvas for the rainbow flag. I hope you like her. #warhammer40k
I totally haven’t already painted up my next legions Imperialis legion ready for Monday so that I can entirely focus the next few days on Elden ring. And it’s totally not white scars. No I would never do such a thing smh
Currently testing out a potential Roman legionnaire inspired stormcast scheme ready for the new skaventide box. Will share pics once I’m happy with it 🤫
I’ve got a #warhammer40k #wipwednesday for you all this week. A brood brother Minka Lesk! I really liked her design but had no intentions of painting a traditional guard army, whilst I do have a slowly growing genestealers force. #warhammercommunity
#warhammercommunity Something very different today! A #pride themed #AOS Darkoath, that I’ve been working on using the mini of the month I picked up from my local store. I’m especially loving how the shield came out 😁
#WarhammerCommunity I am once again asking for your advice on how to photograph these #LegionsImperialis models for #MiniatureMonday, I swear it’s impossible to get them fully in focus, maybe I just need a new lens? Either way, Thousand Sons complete!
#WarhammerCommunity as written! My first #Skaven is finished and ready to show and honestly he was a load of fun, I’m just even more ready for the the new #AgeOfSigmar edition now. Definitely gonna be rocking the clan skryre style main scheme
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It’s the end of the week, you know what that means. This week the theme is…bright. So let’s see your light fantastic creations. As usual I’ll repost the lot and if you see something you like, share it. #Nerdlngs #FindFolkFriday
A skaven has breached containment (entered my painting space) pictures will be up on Saturday hopefully!🤞
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Three down, two to go. Still need to get the texture paste and detail paints in. All in all I think this is going well. #ultramarines
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#warhammercommunity This #WipWednesday I think I’ve finally gotten the #Tau stormsurge to a presentable place. There’s lots of work still to go, mainly the cockpit, weathering and basing. But I’m glad I’m almost finished 😅 #warhammer40k What have you all been working on this week too?
Whilst I’m mainly focused on finishing the suit side do my tau army I’ve also got a few side projects I’m working on over the next few weeks before Skaventide releases.