
SO this is *wildly* illegal, and everyone knows it. The reason he can't wait to be sued, as he's gloating in because they want to destroy the separation of church and state (for their brands of Xian only) much like Roe v Wade
I think I read somewhere earlier that the Church Of Satan already has an amicus curiae brief written and ready to drop on whatever court picks this up.
I don’t mean to be a distraction, but is the Church of Satan or the Satanic Temple? My understanding, which is limited, is that these are two different organizations. I believe CoS is associated with the Black House and Anton LeVay and San Francisco?
I'm scrolling back to see if I can find it, but I believe it was the Church of Satan that was referenced. If I can find it again I'll post a link. It was several hours ago, though, and we all know what happens if it isn't grabbed within a few seconds.
I googled “Satan amicus curiae” and the AI response has doomed my immortal soul… no seriously, it’s the Satanic Temple that has been filing them. I don’t know why I’m nitpicking over this detail, but I don’t get the sense the CoS has been as active politically.
I'm still at work so I don't have full scroll/search access or time at the moment, but if that's what you're finding, I'll stand corrected.
How is this not a violation of church and state separation?
Oh no, it's very much a violation. But this shit had to go through the courts previously, including getting prayer out of schools. What the GOP is trying to do is with their packed courts, push through that which was already decided by the people; like abortion
The argument advanced by LA is basically this: (1) the 10Cs are not exclusively religious b/c it is sometimes cited by legal historians as an example of a proto-legal code. (2) A non-religious educational use insulates it from 1A challenge. No explanation for choosing 10C over Hammurabi's Code.
I'd say hopefully that argument won't stand up in court, but I'm aware of...well. *gestures to the world around us*
Yes, the argument is insultingly pretextual. (e.g., why not Hammurabi's Code? Why in every classroom? Does LA have a long tradition of teaching early legal history? etc.) But LA is betting that friendly 5th Cir. judges will pretend really hard this isn't about state-established religious orthodoxy.
It is. It’s all just virtue signaling.
Well, now the kids can see all the ones Trump violated.
Where is the TikTok "Tear down the Ten Commandments in the Classroom Challenge"?
Fuck this noise indeed, but only after you’ve married it, otherwise that’s commandment six borked right there.