
Again, for anyone who missed it my little brother dropped dead last Friday. My dad died days later from grief. I am on fucking fire. And the world is on fire. Just ended up mutually blocking over politics. I need social media right now. I need it like air, because I am really suffering THAT SAID
My capacity for granting grace, isn't really there. So if you fucking try me, and I don't mean disagreeing with me or pushing on shit or whatever but you TRY ME I have nothing but a goodbye for your ass as it's kicked out the damn door. If you have issue w/ this unfollow/block me preemptively
I expect nothing less than the grace I grant others. If there's no capacity for that, I do not wish to know you.
I'm just catching up (on everything, wow the nation is burning). I cannot express enough condolences for your losses. I hope you find peace and grace right now and from everyone around you.
Happy to block, nuke, report and annihillate any of the above you need. It’s all a lot. Some sh*t you have to deal with, the rest kick aside and stride on. We got you. Cat post for distraction
This is too much. Too fucking much. And I am so so sorry you are carrying it. ❤️ Sending you all my love.
I am so sorry for your losses. I know there are no words that can truly make anything better. May their memory bring you comfort in this time of grief.